Grace A. Johnson
Oct 19, 20207 min read
He Will Move Mountains
As y'all can see, I haven't written a Name of the Week for this week. And I'm not. Partly because I have no idea what name to do--and...
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Grace A. Johnson
Oct 18, 20209 min read
Review: The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer
Georgette Heyer. That's new, isn't it? I usually stick to Christian romances, don't I? The ones written after 2009, most of the time. In...
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Grace A. Johnson
Oct 5, 202015 min read
Name of the Week: Shadow Road (Reviews, Interviews, and More)
Wait! What? Shadow Road? But that's not a name, is it? Of course it isn't! Because today, I'm dispensing of all "name origins" and...
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