Y'all, oh y'all, oh y'all. (That is not an exclamation, but I'm certainly gonna turn it into one.)
Something absolutely amazing is happening!!!! Now, a lot of y'all probably already know about this (since TWN and I share a lot of the same followers, which is super cool), but for those who don't, please stick around, because I have some FABULOUS news for you guys!
But before I get into it, I just want to say (1) thank you to Izzy for letting me share about this here and (2) whether you're a writer or not, you're more than welcome to join in on the fun!
Now, where was I? Oh, yes, details. You see, Teen Writers' Nook (which you may have heard about...if not, you really need to check it out) is hosting their first ever writing(ish) contest(ish) (Izzy's words, not mine) for their followers!!!! You can submit a short story (or poem, or narrative nonfiction) that meets their guidelines (which I will share in a minute) for a chance to be included in a real, live, published anthology!
There's more, but first, y'all have got to see this...
This AMAZING trailer that Issabelle put together! Y'all just take you a look-see at that there, then mosey on back over here for more information...
You're back. Good.
Let's get into this...the prizes include:
Amazon e-gift card (hopefully)
A publication opportunity
Fame in the Teen Writers’ Nook community.
And the guidelines for your entry:
This contest is for TWN’s followers/readers/commenters (so if you are not a reader/commenter/follower, please click here and subscribe!)
Your entry can be a short story, poem, or narrative nonfiction. And if you want your story/poem/nonfiction piece to have Christian themes and elements, that is perfectly acceptable. We want to include stories that showcase the different writing styles of each of our readers. Basically, just write what you want to write.
Your entry can NOT be previously published. This also means that your entry can not be something that was posted on your blog or any social media form (this counts as previously published).
Word maximum: 5,000 words
Your entry MUST be clean. What we mean by this is that your story can not have any foul language/cuss words and also cannot take God’s name in vain even in the form of acronyms. However, you may say if a character “cursed.” It’s just that actually stating the word or even the first part of it will remove you from our consideration list. Your story may have romance (kisses, hand-holding, etc.) but any immoral content even if it is only implied will remove your story from our consideration list. Your story also cannot be overly gory/graphic, but mild violence is allowed. If you have any concerns or questions over what is and is not allowed, please feel free to contact us. ANY STORY THAT DOES NOT ADHERE TO THESE CONTENT GUIDELINES WILL BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY AND REMOVED FROM OUR CONSIDERATION LIST.
Your story’s main characters MUST be between ages 12-19.
When your story is complete and ready to submit, fill out this Google form and attach it as a document in the space provided. Note: if you are having trouble sending your manuscript through the form, please contact us.
Please write your story in American style so everything can be uniformed (e.g., “favorite” instead of “favourite”).
Your story must be typed in Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point font, double spaced.
You must have your story submitted before June 30th at midnight EST, anything submitted after this will be deleted without reading.
Your story will be judged blindly, so you cannot have your name anywhere on the document, including in the document’s title name. Instead, on the next page at the end of your story, please include a short author bio in third person, where you can state your name.
See? That's not too hard!
Anyway, I just wanted to let y'all know about this amazing opportunity for writers! And, if you're not a writer and/or not interested, please do TWN a favor and share their post (or mine) with your friends, any writers you know, or on social media! Don't forget to follow Teen Writers' Nook, because not only do they have a w e s o m e resources and articles for writers, they also have some stories you might be interested in reading!!! That, and Izzy, Katherine, and Alana are just generally wonderful people, so, you know, there's that.
Oh, and, you know, keep your eyes out for when Imagine releases. Yours truly will be sharing any and all pertinent information here, but I do suggest regularly checking back with TWN! Y'all will definitely want to read it!!
Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this, Gracie!!!!!!!!!! I appreciate it SO MUCH!!!!!!!😀 And, eeee, your enthusiasm over Imagine just makes me so happy!!!!!!!😀 THANK YOU, GIRL!!!!!!! <33 You're so awesome!!!!!!
P.S. when I read this part, "writing(ish) contest(ish) (Izzy's words, not mine)", I was like "WHOA!!!" Girl, I'm surprised you could tell which words in the post were Issabelle's!!!😂 You're GOOD!!!!😉🤣
THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for sharing about it, Grace!!!!!! Your post just made me smile so hard, I LOVED IT!!!!! Also, that post's cover image is SOOO AWESOME!!! 😍😍 It's time for the writers to arise!!!! *pumps fist in the air* XD
I know! It is exciting! I also posted about it.