It's not often I issue a warning such as that, so y'all KNOW this is gonna be good, right?
Because none other than JULIE LESSMAN (the QUEEN of romance and my literary godmother...yes, I have just officially christened you my literary godmother, Miss Julie) is releasing her next book in the Cousins O'Connor series (technically cousins and aunt, but we won't go there *winks*), A Hope and a Prayer!!!!
*squeals incessantly*
For those of y'all who haven't heard of Julie Lessman or been exposed to my wild gushing, allow me to refer you back to this post explaining why I love her books...this recent review of her romantic suspense/mystery novel...this interview with Julie...this series review...and this Goodreads shelf featuring reviews of all her books (and several other books as well...this was just the only way to share all my JL reviews at once). (*coughs* Yes, I spent the entirely of 2020 just reading JL books and reviewing them. Hence why it's taken three years to release BAD.)

We are gathered here today to celebrate the release of A Hope and a Prayer, easily one of my favorites (correction: they're all my favorite) of Julie's novels. This one...y'all. It is SO powerful. (What am I saying? They all are!) Once you hear the heart behind the story, you'll realize just how much it means...
And even without knowing that, the message of this story - that Jesus is everything, that no one and nothing else can satisfy, that one person can make a difference, that only God can change someone's heart and life...AH! I'm getting chills just writing this! Anyway, yes, the message is SO strong and poignant!
And the characters are so wonderful...and the romance is so beautiful...and the story is so gripping...
But this isn't my review. I still haven't even read the finalized novel yet! *shakes head at self* This, my dears, is an introduction...so allow me to introduce y'all...
about the book

She’s in love with her best friend.
He’s in love with her cousin.
But when the war reveals a gift so rare,
will they be saved by a hope and a prayer?
As Head Nurse at 2d Hospital in Nancy, France, Lieutenant Hope Dennehy is known for her healing touch, especially when it comes to mending the wounds and spirit of her best friend, Lieutenant Bren O’Neill. When Hope’s cousin breaks Bren’s heart, Hope is always there, helping to heal him with a friendship so anointed and deep, it threatens to break her heart too.

Flying high as a daredevil aeromedical evac pilot in the European Theatre, “Lieutenant Love” O’Neill crashes and burns when the woman he loves falls for another. Depending on the support and prayers of Nurse Hope Dennehy to save him, Bren re-evaluates his free-wheeling lifestyle when he witnesses the heinous atrocities of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Suddenly nothing in life is as important as taking care of those he loves … or is it? Battling demons from his past, Bren learns that only one thing can truly save him from himself.
snag your copy
about the author

Julie Lessman is an award-winning author whose tagline of “Passion With a Purpose” underscores her intense passion for both God and romance. A lover of all things Irish, she enjoys writing close-knit Irish family sagas that evolve into 3-D love stories: the hero, the heroine, and the God that brings them together.
Author of The Daughters of Boston, Winds of Change, and Heart of San Francisco series, Julie Lessman was named American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Author of the Year and has garnered 18 Romance Writers of America and other awards. Voted #1 Romance Author of the year in Family Fiction magazine’s 2012 and 2011 Readers Choice Awards, Julie was also named on Booklist’s 2010 Top 10 Inspirational Fiction and Borders Best Fiction list.
Julie’s first contemporary novel, Isle of Hope, was voted on Family Fiction magazine’s “Best of 2015” list, and Surprised by Love appeared on Family Fiction magazine’s list of “Top Ten Novels of 2014.” Her independent novel A Light in the Window is an International Digital Awards winner, a 2013 Readers' Crown Award winner, and a 2013 Book Buyers Best Award winner.
Julie has also written a self-help workbook for writers entitled Romance-ology 101: Writing Romantic Tension for the Sweet and Inspirational Markets. You can contact Julie through her website and read excerpts from each of her books at www.julielessman.com.

Oh, you better believe there's a giveaway!!!
ONE lucky commenter on THIS POST will win an ebook, and EVERY single commenter will be ENTERED to win either a signed paperback of A Hope and a Prayer or a signed paperback of one of Julie's other novels!
(Pro tip: comment on every single post in tour for even more chances to win! Tour schedule is below!)
Lemme know down in the comments which book you'd like to receive if you win...which books of Julie's you've read...what your favorite WWII fiction is...etc!
the tour
October 1 – https://readingismysuperpower.org/
October 2 – https://myfavoritepastime.blogspot.com/
October 3 – (New-release spotlight) https://www.graceajohnson.com/
October 4 – https://novelscorner.wordpress.com/
October 6 – http://misspippireads.blogspot.com/
October 7 – http://frommipov.blogspot.com/
October 8 – (Live-stream on CrowdCast) https://www.crowdcast.io/c/kv9snz8wcfqr
October 9 – https://brittreadsfiction.wordpress.com/
October 10 – https://sarainawhitney.wordpress.com/blog/
October 11 – https://splashesofjoy.wordpress.com/
October 12 – https://kellybridgewater.blogspot.com/
October 13 – https://flakymn.blogspot.com/
October 14 – https://blissbooksandjewels.com/
New Lessman novels...more Charity O'Connor Dennehy...giveaways galore? Sounds like a TON of fun to me! I know I am SO excited for this AH-MAY-ZING novel and all that Julie has planned to celebrate its release - including the live Q&A on October 8th! Check out the link in the schedule to learn more!
As Julie says, hugs and more hugs!
Ahh, so cool to find new Julie Lessman fans! It's been ... *gulp* a decade since I first discovered her books??? I've been a bit behind since she went Indie, but I agree. One of the few authors that I've purchased ebooks for. 😁
Oh,what a tall order! Must admit I love Julie Lessman's books so much that the list of her books that I've read includes everyone she's written up to the present. :) She's captured my mind ,heart,and imagination with her heartfelt stories!! Hard to chose just one autographed paperback I'd like but I would chose either A Light In The Window or Dare to Love Again. Plus without hestitation A Hope and A Prayer has joined my list of very favorite WWII fiction (along with AWAAP,Sarah Sundin's Sunrise at Normandy series,etc. ) Thank you for featuring Julie and her latest book on your blog!
Oh wow, just in that first excerpt I love how Christ Focused it is!
Congrats on finishing another book Ms. Lessman!!!
I am so excited to read this new book by Julie Lessman! She is such an amazing Christian fiction author & still adds some spice as well. The O’Connor family feels like family to me! I recommend her book series to all my friends!!
Boy, do you know how to write a spotlight or what??? I swear we are twins separated at birth, give or take 55 years or so, and you are definitely the pretty twin!!
Thank you SO very much for not only being an incredible support, but one of my dearest reader friends in the whole, wide world!