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  • Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson

The Bookworm's Tag #2

The first time I did this tag, I was graciously tagged by the lovely Joelle Stone, and now she's at it again with a new set of questions! Thank you, girl!

More of my deep, dark reading secrets are going to be revealed in today's post! *smirks*


The Rules

  • Thank and link to the blogger who nominated you (Thanks again, Joelle!)

  • Include the tag graphic in your post

  • Answer the ten questions the blogger asked

  • Nominate between five and ten bloggers

  • Ask your nominees ten book-related questions!

  • Don’t feel bound to these rules

  • (Most importantly) Have fun!


The Questions

Did you ever read a book twice in a row? Unless you count flipping through it right after reading to go over some of my favorite scenes! (Which I know Joelle does, because that was her answer to this question too! *winks*)

What would you retitle a book you like and why?

To be entirely honest, I can’t think of a single book I like with a bad title! They’re all fine just the way they are!

Would you buy a book just because the cover is beautiful?

Believe you me, I have been tempted. Yes, covers do influence my purchase decision greatly, but I must also be aware of the price, the content, and the quality of the writing. Unfortunately, not all books are as beautiful as their covers, and vice versa.

Paperback, hardback, e-book, or audiobook?

I’m a visual person, so automatically audiobooks are a no-no (I can’t even listen to podcasts), and it’s sometimes a tie between the other three. I do prefer print books to e-books, but sometimes reading on my Kindle is a lot more convenient than taking five damagable print books with me at one time. Not to mention, the Kindle is good for night reading! As for paperback vs. hardcover, I don’t like dust jackets, so I’ll either take them off or get a hardcover that doesn’t come with one, but then you end up losing the beautiful cover design, and so paperbacks do win out on that account.

What is the name you would choose if you could name the child of a character you like?

Grace. And she’d have brown eyes and brown hair and love books! (Because, yes, I have actually imagined myself as the child of some of my favorite characters...)

When a character says something you don’t like, have you ever mocked them out of annoyance?

Out loud and in the middle of large crowds of strangers family members, to boot! I’m sorry, but I can’t help it when characters start acting dumb and saying stupid things.

What is the ideal length of a series for you?

Infinity...but that’s only if it’s really, really good. Otherwise, three books works great, along with two spin-off series of the same length, of course! (Which gives us a total of nine. I like long series! So what? *looks at her own infinitely long series* Y’all could tell, couldn’t you?)

Have you ever secretly enjoyed a hated cliche?

Um...that’s a hard one. To be honest, I typically hate most cliches that are hated, because there’s usually a very good reason for them to be hated. Make sense? Like the “chosen one” or the *groans* love triangle. Now, I don’t hate these cliches for themselves, just for how people write them. As tropes, they’re fine and have loads of potential, but very few writers ever truly tap into said potential.

Now, as for one that I usually enjoy no matter how it’s done...the medieval Europe fantasy setting. I just can’t help myself. Y’all, I love a diverse, unique fantasy that captures a whole new setting and culture...but there’s something about the medieval vibes that feel like home. Which is why most of my fantasy ideas are all very medieval-esque in nature.

Otherwise, if the public doesn’t like it, chances are I don’t either. Unless it’s really, really well done.

What is a series you want to read that is high on your TBR?

Oh, gosh. We’re gonna be here aaallll day. Of course, I must read LotR, because…I mean, just because. Then there’s Kara Swanson’s Dust duology that I am SO excited to start. So many new series that are coming out that I’m eagerly awaiting (The Curious Realities, anyone?), especially E. K. Seaver’s The Reflections! I also wanna give the Wingfeather Saga a try, and The Green Ember, and the list. goes. on. I mean...I dunno if I could pick just one!

If you could choose five characters to put in a book together, who would they be and why?

Okay, okay, my top favorite protagonists ever...Captain Jack Sparrow, Rocky Balboa, Tony Stark, Indiana Jones, and Rina. (1) Because I love them all to pieces. (2) Because they’re such an eclectic and unique group of leaders. (3) JUST THINK OF ALL THE EPICNESS! Jack Sparrow and Rina would be arguing about who’s captain, Tony would be mocking them with sarcastic quips, and Indy would be trying to explain priceless artifacts to Rocky. It’d be perfect. And if we could throw Han Solo in there for good measure…

Or, if we’re talking book characters, my favorite heroes! Rhett Butler, Mr. Darcy, Mitch Dennehy (from A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman), Kyaphus Ryhen (Sara Ella’s Unblemished series), Philip Camden (On Wings of Devotion by Roseanna M. White), Luke McGee (A Hope Undaunted by Julie Lessman), Jack Dorian (A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano), Lord Sheridan (Roseanna M. White’s To Treasure an Heiress)...oh, wait. This is more than five, isn’t it?

Oh well.


I Tag…


My Questions

  1. Bookmarks...or dog-earing? (I dog-ear, so I won't judge.)

  2. Ever spilt food or drink on a book?

  3. Have you ever read an entire book (not a short story) on your phone, tablet, or computer?

  4. Do you box or wrestle with your books? (Hit them or throw them down when a character does something stupid or the hero dies?)

  5. Ever written to or contacted your favorite author(s)?

  6. What are your favorite book covers?

  7. Worst. Cliche. Ever?

  8. What's the most you've ever paid for a book? How about the least (not free)?

  9. Can you read in the car?

  10. Do you sell your read books, donate them, or keep them forever?


Well, there you have it, folks! I am an unabashed beautiful cover lover, Jack Sparrow fan, and reader of infinitely long series! What about you?

Yours in spirit and script,


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8 commenti

Tasha Van Kesteren
26 mar 2022

Why do your posts keep going to my spam lol. Great post and thanks for the tag!

Mi piace
Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
27 mar 2022
Risposta a

Augh, I dunno, girl! This happens to so many people, and there isn't anyway for me to fix that. :( Thanks!! You're welcome!

Mi piace

Joelle Stone
15 mar 2022

Ahhh great post Grace!!! Love the character choices - the world would probably burn if those five were supposed to go save it together. Which kind of defeats the purpose. XD

Anywho, thx for doing the tag!! 'Twas a pleasure to read. *bows*

Mi piace
Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
15 mar 2022
Risposta a

Aw, thanks, girl! PFT. You're right about that. WAIT. STORY IDEA. *rushes away with a billow of dust following after*

My pleasure! Thank you for tagging me! :D

Mi piace

Riley G.
15 mar 2022

I can never really get into a series... For me, it just seems like the first book or two is good, then from there, it's just not enjoyable anymore. I got all the way to book 10 of Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events, then I cheated and just skimmed the last chapter and epilogue of the final book. Books one through three were so great! After that, it just wasn't the same (especially when they introduced VFD. 🙄)

Conclusion: I'm a total stand-alone girl! (though I *can* handle a "episodic" series, like Hardy Boys or whatever, and I would like to write that kind of series-ish... they'd be related, and maybe reference each other, but the characters would be…

Mi piace
Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
15 mar 2022
Risposta a

Aah, yeah, I know how that is! I personally prefer the series that follow a family rather than, like, the same three characters over and over again...but there have been a lot that somehow managed to be really good forty books later. ;) *looks at the Left Behind Kids series she read two and a half times*

Haha, yes! Ooh, it's hard to top a good short story!

They are!!! Oh, yes, such a gorgeous cover! Unfortunately, the book didn't quite live up to it for me. :(

Mi piace

Kristina Hall
14 mar 2022

I have to ask ... what characters did you imagine yourself as the child of??

Mi piace
Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
15 mar 2022
Risposta a

Basically every O'Connor ever. XD And, of course, a great deal of my own characters. ;)

Mi piace

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