Y'all. After almost three years of working on this novel, I have finally, finally finished writing and actually gotten. the. cover. Like. BAD has a cover now. After teasing y'all about it I don't know how many times, I can finally say...the cover is here.
BUT! I can't share it with y'all now, because for the very first time ever, I'm gonna do an OFFICIAL cover reveal! For all of y'all who are interested in sharing the cover of Bound and Determined, please refer to the signup form below! *winks*

The official date is July 10th, so I'll send out all the information a few days beforehand (not the day before, trust me)! All that's required is that you post on one platform of your choice on July 10th or a few days after! (And, of course, link back to me or tag me in your post so I can see it!)
All you have to do for now is sign up! If, however, you are not interested, feel free to share this post (or any of my other posts about the signups) with someone who might be! The more the merrier, eh?
And seriously. Just look at that. I know it's just a sneak peek, but doesn't it get you so excited??? *squeals*
What do y'all think it'll look like? Let me know in the comments below!
I don't know about you, but I can't wait! I just hope the cover lives up to everyone's expectations! *winks*
Oh, and for those of y'all (like moi) who like to know who the designer is...it's none other than Roseanna M. White! *jumps up and down* You can check out her design site here! Her work is so lovely! (And the fact that I get to share a designer with authors like Lauraine Snelling, Melody Carlson, Pepper Basham, and more is pretty darn awesome!)
Anyway, I'll leave y'all to fill out that monstrous form up there (if you think that's bad, y'all should've seen the feedback form for my beta readers)! I love y'all dearly and I am so thankful for all your support and help!!!
SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! Your pirate accent cracked me up when I scrolled through the submission form. XDD
Ohh, Roseanna White designed the cover?!! That's so cool!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear, now I'm afraid to ask about your beta reader form XD.
This is so exciting, Grace!! Congrats!
It's gonna be gorgeous!!!
I can't wait for the cover reveal!!!!!