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  • Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson

Cover Reveal: Bound and Determined by Yours Truly

Y'all, I literally don't have words right now. Like...this is all so surreal. After so many months of torture - I mean, hard work and dedication, I finally get to share the cover of Bound and Determined with you guys. I just...I can't believe it.

Now, I don't have a preorder link yet or even a release date or anything at all planned at this moment (still knee-deep in edits, y'all), but if you wanna keep up-to-date on all the goings-on with BAD, you can stick around here and follow me on social media...or add BAD to your want-to-read shelf on Goodreads!!!


about the book

Port Royal, Jamaica


A wicked twist of fate—or perhaps the hand of God—has landed Captain Rina Bennet in the most precarious situation yet. When her husband and the father of her twin boys leaves at the behest of a family friend, she is left to take charge of the ship she has not sailed on in two years, alongside her two toddlers. She finds herself between a rock and a hard place when her first voyage drastically turns into a rescue mission, leaving her to the ghosts of her old life.

Daisy Sharow has risked it all by escaping from her owner’s tavern in search of her sister. Following God’s direction, she seeks out the only person she trusts to help her: Keaton Clarke. When Daisy stows away aboard the Rina, quartermaster Keaton is faced with a ghost from his past and a decision neither he nor Rina are prepared to make.

Rina has to make a judgment call when the ghosts come knocking, a call that could mean either life or death—for both an innocent girl and herself. Can Daisy, Keaton, and Rina band together to save Daisy’s sister...or is the risk too great?

Book #3 in the Daughters of the Seven Seas series! Learn more here!


posts about the book

If you're interested in learning more about BAD + reading some epic (and unedited) sneak peeks, just check out these posts!

Whew. I think that sums it all up...


book stats

Date Began: December 2019

Date Completed: March 28th, 2022

Current Word Count: 206,067 words

Current Page Count: 784 pages

Amount of Sweet Tea Consumed While Writing: N/A

Amount of Sleep Lost: Too much


the cover

Yes, I was making you wait... Which you're gonna have to do some more of.









It was the worst day for a funeral.








Too calm. Too beautiful.







The sun shone too bright.





The sky was too clear.






The breeze was too gentle.






It should’ve been raining, storming, the sky dark and crashing with thunder and lightning.






But it wasn't.






And somehow it fit.








I didn't want to think about why.







(Yes, that is the opening of this lovely novel, in case you were wondering. *winks*)








So. Whaddya think? Pretty? Tolerable? Not handsome enough to dance with? *coughs* (Don't mind my Pride and Prejudice references...) I wanna hear AAAALLLL your thoughts in the comments!!!!

yours in spirit and script and cover reveals,


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