First things first, I hope y'all all had a TREMENDOUSLY blessed Easter and Holy Week! We spent the weekend at my nana's house (she lives right next door, so we didn't stay with her the entire weekend *winks*), where I HID eggs for the FIRST time! (Yes, I hunted for sixteen years. I'm a kid at heart; gimme a break.) What about y'all? What are your Easter traditions? How did y'all spend Holy Week?
Better question: when did you stop hunting Easter eggs?
Let me know in the comments below!
Now, for the moment we've all been waiting for...
If you're like my friend Em, you've probably been wondering when in the world is your girl Gracie gonna jump on the Instagram bandwagon...and I am SO PLEASED to announce that YES! I AM FINALLY ON INSTAGRAM!!!
*squeals and jumps up and down and hugs everyone super tight*
Y'all, I wanted to wait until I had, like, a HUGE portfolio of pictures that were, well, picture perfect, but I'm *cough* not that good of a photographer. *glances at photographic attempts* Yeah.
So I eventually just gave in. It was SO intimidating when I first started setting everything up. I bugged my friends for help (bless you, Em and Kell) and copied other users' hashtags and intro post ideas (thank you, Hannah)...and I threw up my first ever IG post.
Within MINUTES, I had some of the most BEAUTIFUL beans show up to welcome me to the world of IG, and I'm now past the 50-follower mark with some of the SWEETEST comments and messages! Y'ALL ARE THE BEST, BLESS YOU.
Right now, my feed is mostly graphics and reels. Y'ALL. REELS. REELS. Like, videos are my least favorite things because (1) I'm not video-genic, (2) our house is not video-genic, and (3) la familia is not video-genic. HOWEVER, reels are INSANE. They're like video photoshop. You can take a two-second video, strip all the audio, throw in your favorite tunes (seriously. they have all my favorites obscure music. i nearly cried. i legit went through the house gushing about how they. have. lifehouse. *clears throat*). And the effects are GORGEOUS! (Seasalt is my absolute favorite...)
So, yeah, I'm having fun with that. And it gives me the opportunity to share things I wouldn't normally share (like on my blog or Facebook), so even though I'm still learning how to use and navigate all the features, I'm enjoying myself! And I have TONS of ideas for stuff to share!
A L S O. I'M HOSTING A G I V E A W A Y!!!!!!!!!!!
Naturally. I move onto a new platform and immediately give away free stuff.
I'm not financially prepared to give away anything cool, BUT if I can reach 100 followers by the end of April, I'll be giving one lucky follower a free digital copy of ANY of my books (including With Fear and Trembling but excluding Bound and Determined...BAD is too rough at the minute).
SO. If you're on Instagram and you'd like to follow yours truly, you can find me RIGHT HERE or you can drop your handle below and I'm follow you! (Please note: I don't follow everyone who follows me. But if I know you...which I probably will if you follow this blog...I'd love to follow you!)
AND (one more thing), if y'all have ANY suggestions for stuff I should post or ideas for my aesthetic (still working on that), PLEASE drop 'em in the comments! THANK Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!
Before I leave y'all to your Easter candy...
bound and determined update
I've been kinda quiet about Bound and Determined since I finished it at the end of March, and that's because I've been hard at work procrastinating - I MEAN EDITING. *cough cough* Seriously, though, I've been going through my first round of edits, and I'm almost halfway done! My betas have really been hard at work reading and editing the first third - Iris, Kristina, Vanessa, Libby, Diamond...y'all are AMAZING!!! Y'all have seriously saved my life. Thank you. *bows* I'm hoping to get the second third up soon and put the rest of my betas to work! *winks*
If y'all are interested in reading deleted scenes and exclusive articles all about my self-editing process, I advise y'all to become a patron! All my patrons will have access to my exclusive posts and bonus/deleted content from my books, and all you have to do is pledge at least $3 a month! Y'all can learn more HERE!
And, lastly...
preorders are still live
BUT NOT FOR LONG!! If you want a SIGNED copy of With Fear and Trembling + a Scripture bookmark, y'all need to preorder while you can!! The preorder page/form closes on April 27th (release day), and books will be ordered/shipped soon after! To learn more and preorder your copy (either your print copy or a Kindle copy), hop on over HERE!
Welp. I reckon that sums up my much-longer-than-expected Instagram announcement post. What about y'all? Have you preordered your copy of WFAT? Are you on IG? Where do you struggle the most with editing? Lemme know in the comments!
Y'all have a fantastic spring, my lovelies! I pray God has blessed you deeply this Easter season and will continue to work wonders in your life!
Yours in spirit and script,
#instagram #editing #boundanddetermined #announcements #updates #patreon #preordernow #preorder #devotional
Hi Grace, that is very exciting! But sadly I do not have an Instagram account. *sobs. Also, I hope that you make up to 100 followers by the end of April. I am still thinking about preordering WFAT. Can't wait for BAD! Also, I hid the Easter eggs this year at church for the first time. I hunted eggs until I was in 5th grade. Looking forward to the Tell Me You Love Me Anthology!
Woohoo!!!! That's so exciting!!! (Alas, I'm not on Insta... hopefully one day!) I hope you get to the 100-followers mark by the end of April!! XD <333 My family, my house, AND I aren't that video-genic either, though my brother somehow makes it work (he's an aspiring filmmaker - petty convenient sometimes, lol).
(And like Amelia, I've only gone egg-hunting twice XD That's hilarious that you actually hid the eggs for the first time! Seriously girl, I think we're all kids at heart ;P)
LOL, dude, I've literally only gone egg hunting twice in my life, once when I was nine and once when I was ten. (Or maybe it was twice when I was ten...) So you've been doing that for...a while...LOL!!
And you are SO allowed to be a kid at heart *winks*.
And YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, YOU'RE ON INSTA, WHICH I DON'T HAVE; BUT YAY FOR YOU ANYWAY!! *squealing and hugging you back* Ooh, girl, it looks marvelous! Uh...ideas, ideas...You should do verses whenever you read one that speaks to you in particular! That would be cool!
(I like how I'm giving ideas and I don't have Insta, but I can still see the posts; so there we go XD.)