I hope y'all have enjoyed learning more about Writers' Vision the last couple days! I'm so excited to have Kayti on for one final post, and it's such a good one! She's got a very good question for y'all, so make sure you answer in the comments below!
If you've missed the last two posts, you can check out the spotlight posts here and our interview here!
why do you write? finding your why
Kaytlin Phillips
Hey, folks! If you're just now hoping on the tour my name is Kaytlin Phillips and I am the founder of Writers’ Vision: A Christian Creative Community. When not over there you can find me on the blog I share with my sisters called Sisters Three or more often than not creating or getting lost in a made-up world. That’s a little about me and now it’s time for my guest post!
Why do you write?
Sometimes it’s hard to answer certain questions, but for this question the answer isn’t really that hard. I’ve always loved imagining the impossible and believing it’s real, and since writing is just that I quickly fell in love. I love the concept of taking the most outrageous things you can think of, putting them into words, and convincing people they are real! I’m not sure I’m good at any of that, but let’s look a little deeper into my love of writing.
Growing up I did a lot of reading, though our kid-friendly book selections were limited. My dad had tons of books most of which were theology or flower guides because my dad is a pastor and avid wild orchid hunter. But we did have two shelves that were full of books like Little House, Narnia, The Hobbit, Banner in the Sky, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, and other such classic kids stories. I read them all and then my dad made me a bookshelf and started picking up books at thrift stores or finding them on Amazon for a penny as he helped me grow my own collection.
How does that have anything to do with writing? Well, those books I read inspired me to write my own. At the ripe age of seven and half, I plagiarized a Roy Rogers film and turned it into a book (if you don’t know who Roy Rogers is…wow, but his movies are family-friendly Westerns). That turned out horrible, so I put my pen aside. But occasionally I’d get that itch to write a story and would start one.
It wasn’t until I was fourteen and my dad seriously encouraged my sisters and I to write our stories down that I really started writing. My sisters and I wrote several books together and I enjoyed it so much I started writing books of my own two years later.
Since then, I’ve not looked back. Okay, I did once and then after a few months had to write because I thought my brain would explode with all the stories and characters in it. But the thing that really keeps me writing, because as much as I love it it’s hard, is the reason I write. My why behind writing.
What is my why, you ask.
Writing awakens the imagination inside me. I love building my own worlds, creating characters that can do and be anything I want them to do or be. Writing makes me feel closer to my Creator. Maybe it’s because I’m creating a story, a world, characters and creatures, I’m doing something similar to what He did when He first spoke us all into existence. When I’m writing I feel closer to my Lord, connected to Him in a beautiful, unexplainable way. He has given me a love for the unbelievable, a love of writing, and I hope to always use it for His glory!
I write because I want people to know they are never too far gone for God to save them. I write because I want everyone to know they have a purpose, that they are here for a reason, and that the world would not be the same without them. I write to awaken hope in the despairing hearts of our nation! Writing to Awaken Hope has become my anthem.
I write for the Light of lights, for the Hope of all hopes, I write for my Savior. Because I want His hope to touch as many hearts as possible, I want His light to shine into the darkness and cause it to flee. I want to serve Him in all I write.
But what is your why? Why do you write? If you are going to pursue this as a career, this is a question you need to sit down and ponder. Why do you write? What is the reason behind it? Because when it gets hard you need that why. When you feel as if you aren’t cut out for this, you need to be able to look at the reason you write. Because that will be your reason to keep going!
Money and fame won’t cut it for whys, it has to be deeper than surface value. It has to be something you truly want and are willing to fight for. So, what is your why?
kaytlin phillips

Hello, I'm Kaytlin!
A homeschool grad, blogger, influencer, and the author of the MG fantasy World of Silence, Co-Author with my sisters, Marisa and Jaiden, of the YA Fantasy series The Dragon Prince Chronicles, and have been featured in the Seize the Night Anthology.
I first discovered a love for writing at the age of seven when I plagiarized a Roy Roger's film into my own book. Since then I've become more creative and write books of my own invention, which are usually stories of hope, purpose, and redemption. More often than not you can find me with my nose in a book, whisked away to some fictional setting.
Through my stories I long to present the Savior and His overwhelming love for us, I want everyone to know they are never too far gone for God to save them and that everyone has a purpose!
Writers’ Vision: Home | Writers' Vision (sistersthree3.wixsite.com)
Kaytlin Phillips: Kaytlin Phillips | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

the tour
Monday, Jan 16th
Writers’ Vision - Kick-Off Post
Vanessa Hall - Spotlight
Louise Taylor - Spotlight
Tuesday, Jan 17th
Pearl Christine - Spotlight
Sisters Three - Spotlight
Wednesday, Jan 18th
Louise Taylor - Guest Post
Allyson Jamison - Interview
Thursday, Jan 19th
Lorelei Angelino - Spotlight
Madisyn Carlin - Spotlight & Guest Post
Lillian Keith - Spotlight & Interview
Friday, Jan 20th
Kristina Hall - Interview
Vanessa Hall - Interview
Annabelle Batie - Spotlight & Guest Post
Abbigail Befus - Interview
A.J. Syngraféas - Guest Post
Monday, Jan 23rd
Joelle Stone - Guest Post
Louise Taylor - Interview
Writers’ Vision - Mid-Tour Recap
Tuesday, Jan 24th
Abbigail Befus - Guest Post
Issabelle Perry - Guest Post
Wednesday, Jan 25th
Saraina Whitney - Guest Post
Grace A. Johnson - Spotlight
Allyson Jamison - Guest Post
Thursday, Jan 26th
Grace A. Johnson - Interview
Sisters Three - About Writers’ Vision
Friday, Jan 27th
Grace A. Johnson - Guest Post
Annabelle Batie - Interview
Writers’ Vision - Wrap-Up Post
So, what is your why? Why do you write? Let us know in the comments!
I have never heard of Banner in the Sky but now I want to read it so yay! I found a new TBR.
I like your "why" and I think it's a good one!
Ah, yes, it's so important to remember the "why," especially during those harder moments of author life. Lovely post!
This was so good!!!!! Thank you for sharing it, Grace and Kayti!!!!
Such a beautiful post, Kaytlin!
Thank you so much for all you help, Gracie!