You know something's up when my title isn't capitalized. I'm a stickler for capitalization. And punctuation. And proper grammar. And...yeah, I'm a troll.
And that's beside the point.
So, yeah. I'm going on vacation. Taking a break. I have a lot of reading and writing to catch up on--especially if I want to make my March deadline--so I won't be showing my face around the blog...or the internet...very often next month.
However, you will be seeing a TON of fantastic guest posts, my monthly newsletter on March 1st, my fantasy writers' linkup wrap-up post (that's a mouthful) the same day, a super fun surprise on St. Patrick's Day (hint: it's Irish!), and *hopefully* my last installment in my predestination series.
Also, I've rewritten some fun posts full of goodies every Tuesday! Keep your eyes peeled for "A Week's Worth of Laughter" all this month!
I'll probably have a lot of book reviews flooding--if not in March, then in the beginning of April. AND when I get back from my vay-cay, I'll have a writerly update and sneak peek for y'all!
In the meantime, I'd like y'all to give your feedback on the blog! What would you like to see more of in the future or less of? You can take the survey below and let me know!
Also, if you're interested in writing a guest post (either for March or April), you can fill out this form, and then we can sort out the details! I love featuring other voices on my blog, so I would love it if you would join me!
Anyway, if y'all see me around here anytime soon, please tell me to stop procrastinating and start writing! I hope you guys enjoy all of the special guests coming to the blog in March! I'll see you in April!

I hope you have a good break! I just submitted the guest post form. :)