I thought I knew Psalm 23. After all, I memorized it when I was six and it’s been one of my favorite psalms ever since. I read A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 in middle school and loved how it dove into the nitty-gritty of shepherding and what it means to be shepherded by Christ. But when I cracked open this book, I was introduced to an entirely new perspective that made Psalm 23 come to life more than ever before.
The way Gibson wrote this little book is part of what makes it so enlightening. It’s a study that feels like a devotional. It’s a sermon that feels like poetry. It’s a book that feels like comforting words from a friend. Somehow, he explores theology and doctrine and complicated ideas in a way that is simple, understandable, and enjoyable. (But I say that as someone who enjoys theology anyway, so take that with a grain of salt!)
Gibson took the context of Psalm 23, the idea of it, the prophetic lens, David’s own experience, the commentaries of other authors, and his own perspective and woven them all together to create a full exposition of this precious passage. He didn’t dwell on one element or idea but discussed everything bound up in this one poem.
Ultimately, The Lord of Psalm 23 helped me see Psalm 23 more fully and engage with it more. It increased my love for it and reminded me how indescribably wonderful it is to be a sheep in Christ’s flock. It was so encouraging, and I’ve already thought of two friends of mine who would be uplifted by this book.
Whether you’re a new Christian or old, whether you’re into studying theology or not, I believe this is a book you’ll enjoy and treasure.
the book
Expository Study of Psalm 23 Reveals the Beauty and Deep Theological Meaning behind a Familiar Part of Scripture
Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages in the whole Bible. Though relatively short, this poetic depiction of God’s love epitomizes Christ’s goodness and provision as he leads his children. Even lifelong Christians will find fresh encouragement by closely studying these familiar words.
David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host. Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need.
Rich Theology: Adapted from 3 engaging sermons by David Gibson
Expository: Closely examines Psalm 23’s imagery and what it reveals about the relationship between Christ and his followers
Uplifting and Informative: Encourages deep reflection on Christ’s provision, comfort, and eternal strength
With a Foreword by Sinclair Ferguson
the author
David Gibson (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is the Minister of Trinity Church in Aberdeen, Scotland. Previously he served as a staff worker for the Religious and Theological Studies Fellowship (part of UCCF) and as an assistant minister at High Church, Hilton, Aberdeen. Gibson has also published a number of articles and books such as Rich: The Reality of Encountering Jesus and Reading the Decree: Exegesis, Election and Christology in Calvin and Barth.
Do you have a favorite psalm? Is there a passage in Scripture that you think you “know"? What's your preferred style of Christian nonfiction (i.e., study, devotional, commentaries, etc.)?

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I love Psalms 139! I am constantly turning to it for hope.
I always thought I knew the Bible verses about the rich man getting into heaven is like a camel going into the eye of a needle, but I learned some historical facts that proved my old assumptions wrong.
I love love love devotionals. Especially like books like 'Walking Free' by Micah Tyler. And '100 days to brave' by Annie F. Downs. (I watch way to much of her podcast. It's kind of goofy, but I find out interesting facts!)
Wow, this sounds super good! For sure going to look into it. Oooh man, there are probably so many verses I think I 'know'. And I know every single one has so much depth that we are only beginning to discover. It just keeps getting more beautiful and awe-some when one looks into history and context and original languages... Psalm 139 is a favourite, I'd love to dive into that one.
Thanks for sharing about this book, Grace!
Psalm 23 is a FAVOURITE for me!!! I've been so blessed by insights shared form experts on shepherding, too, and this book sounds so rich. As for a fav type of Christian non-fic, I think I love it all, though I have not ventured much in the apologetics world, save for Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly, and Im not sure if that counts as one ;)