Around Valentine's Day last year, I came up with the idea to challenge myself to write one romance flash fiction story every day for a week. Well, just as soon as I wrote that idea down, another one popped into my head: a romance anthology. That night, Tell Me You Love Me was born.
A day or two later, I got everything together and posted about open submissions for my romance short story anthology contest, and within a mere month I had over twenty submissions of all kinds - historical, fantasy/speculative, contemporary.
What I'd originally intended to be a seven-story anthology (six stories chosen and one written by me) nearly doubled. I had the hardest time picking just six stories, so I settled on twelve (and consequently did not write one myself).
And that's when Tell Me You Love Me became a reality.
It's been a long, hard process. Lots of back-and-forth, late nights, figuring things out and making it work as some of these writers are being published for the first time and I am publisher of others' work for the first (and certainly not last) time.
But through it all, God has brought us through for a tremendous purpose: to give the world beautiful, God-honoring romance stories that reflect the love of Christ.
I am so thankful to all of you who have supported and invested in this project...to my twelve marvelous authors who poured their hearts and souls into their stories...to my twenty-one writers who submitted their sweet stories...and to everyone who has read and enjoyed our anthology.
I absolutely cannot wait for Tell Me You Love Me to be placed in readers' hands all over the world, for these stories to come to life before hundreds of people's eyes, and for hearts to be opened to receiving the wonderful, life-changing love of God!
If you haven't yet, I want to remind you to preorder your Kindle copy of Tell Me You Love Me before release day (February 14th)! Preorders not only give you access to the book the moment it releases, but also are cheaper than the price after release and help us exceedingly at promoting and supporting this anthology on Amazon!
If you've already preordered, thank you SO much! I pray you enjoy the stories as much as I did!
(Pst! You may have noticed that the tour schedule said Lydia M. Jupp, one of our authors, would be on today. Unfortunately, we've had to push the post date back, hence why you're hearing from me instead of from her, but rest assured her post will be up soon!)
the giveaway
Follow the tour schedule below and comment on any or all of the upcoming posts included in the tour for an entry into a giveaway for an e-copy of Tell Me You Love Me and more fantabulous prizes! (One comment = one entry! Replies to other comments do not count.) Entrants must be eighteen years of age or have parent's permission.
The winner will be announced in my post at the end of the tour, on January 31st, so y'all enjoy all the wonderful content coming your way from these lovely young authors and be sure to comment on all their posts for a chance to win!
about the anthology

Tell Me You Love Me - a timeless collection of stories that truly understand the meaning of “I love you”
Twelve young Christian authors have come together, alongside romance novelist Grace A. Johnson and editor Issabelle Perry to show our world of depravity and cheap imitations of romance what love really means: faith, hope, and sacrifice.
These stories range from contemporary YA to historical to fantasy, and tell diverse, unique love stories that compel, captivate, and warm readers’ hearts with their sweet and authentic nature.
Featuring work from Michaela Bush, Saraina Whitney, Karynn Heckler, Margaret Copeland, Lucia Molano, Sarah Lawton, Brooklyn O’Brennan, Mackenzie Hendricks, H.S. Kylian, Lydia M. Jupp, Katherine Perry, and Amelia Cabot, the Tell Me You Love Me anthology is the collaboration of talented and inspirational young writers you’ve been waiting for!
the tour

Grace A. Johnson – tour kickoff – January 17th
Michaela Bush - January 18th
H.S. Kylian – January 19th
Michaela Bush - January 19th
Amelia Cabot on Of Blades and Thorns – January 20th
Issabelle Perry – January 23rd
Grace A. Johnson – January 23rd
Maggie Copeland on Of Blades and Thorns – January 24th
Sarah Lawton – January 25th
Saraina Whitney – January 26th
Katherine Perry – January 27th
Mackenzie Hendricks – January 30th
Lucia Molano – January 31st
Grace A. Johnson – tour ends – January 31st
Let's celebrate Godly romance today (and every day), y'all! Share the titles of some of your favorite Christian romances in the comments below!
Ooo! How exciting for you guys!!
and the cover is exquisite!
YAY FOR TMYLM!!! That is such a cool story. I'm enjoying the book a lot, despite the romance. XD The only complaint I have is that the font makes my head swim a bit, especially at first. But otherwise, GREAT WORK GUYS!!!!
Girl, I am so glad God gave you the idea for TMYLM!!!! ;) I have loved being a part of it (and being published by an INCREDIBLE gal)!!! I can't wait for its release!!!
Favorite Christian romances?? I'M DRAWING A BLANK, I CAN'T REMEMBER ALL THE ROMANCE BOOKS I'VE READ! 😆 I'm gonna say Held Captive (totally not bias here XDD) and The Spice King (that's the last romance book I've read, lol). What about you?
Wow, did you end up meeting that goal of writing a romance flash fiction every day for a week? That's such a cool challenge!!! And girl, I am SO glad you had the idea of this romance anthology and you decided to make it a reality!!! It's already been such a blessing in my life and I know God has an amazing purpose for it!! <333
EEEEEK I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts counting down the days* It's SO exciting that this is one of Sky's the Limit's first big publishing works!!!!! I feel like this is a historic event. 😝