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  • Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson

Author Interview: Jenna Terese

Y'all remember Jenna Terese, don't you? I've been gushing about her for a month now. Probably because (1) she's an awesome person, (2) she's a marvelous author, and (3) she wrote a spectacular book!

Speaking of book, I'm super excited (did it again) to share my review of Jenna's debut novel Ignite later today...but first, I want to introduce y'all to the author! But seriously, though, if you're already interested in reading Ignite (or this interview made you interested), then click the buttons below to snag either a paperback or an eBook copy!!

Now, without further ado, let's get to know Jenna!


GJ: What first inspired you to write?

JT: I’ve loved stories for as long as I can remember. I loved how stories could pull you in and transport you. One day I just wondered if I could do that too (I was seven, by the way). And that’s how this wild and wonderful journey began.

GJ: What are the driving forces behind your writing now?

JT: I’m passionate about how art impacts people and the world on a deep level, and I believe that God’s given me that passion to use in storytelling.

GJ: Can you name any authors who have inspired your voice in different ways? How can you see their influence in your writing?

JT: Many authors have inspired and encouraged me. Especially the ones that showed me what God-honoring speculative fiction can look like. Wonderful authors like Nadine Brandes, Lindsay A. Franklin, Chuck Black, Morgan. L. Busse, and so many more.

GJ: What are some of your most favorite books/genres—to read and to write?

JT: To write: science-fiction. Which is kinda funny considering I only used to read historical fiction for most of my life. To read: sci-fi and fantasy. I like speculative fiction, as you can tell. As for my favorite books, I love the ones from the authors I mentioned above. ;)

GJ: What do you do when you aren’t writing?

JT:I enjoy reading (of course), playing piano, trying to learn guitar and ukulele, fitness, and researching random things that aren’t necessarily useful. XD

GJ: Your debut novel, Ignite, is releasing soon! (Which I am SO excited about!) Can you tell me a little bit about it and the inspiration behind it?

JT: Of course! I’m excited about it too. ;) It’s hard to remember what exactly inspired this story, but I believe it came together from a movie trailer and another superhero book I tried to write years ago that didn’t go anywhere. I was intrigued by the idea of superhumans being common in our world, but not thought of as superheroes. That’s where Ignite came from.

GJ: What did your writing process for Ignite look like? Did you pants it? plot it? How long did it take for you to write it?

JT: I’m definitely a plotter. I outlined the plot and scenes and character development before writing it for NaNoWriMo 2019 (wow, so long ago!). I didn’t complete it that November, so once I wrapped up the first draft the following January, it’s been editing, editing, editing. Beta readers and editors have done so much to whip this story into shape.

GJ: What is your most favorite character in Ignite, and what endears them to you?

JT: It might be predictable, but the main character is my favorite. Being an introverted musician myself, I relate to Scarlett and also the personal journey she goes through in the story. All my characters (yes, even the villains) are precious to me because I know them inside and out.

GJ: What do you want readers to take away from this story?

JT: That society doesn’t dictate whether their gifts/parts of themselves are worth showing to the world. God created all of you, and your gifts are valuable.

GJ: What did the publishing process look like for you?

JT: A TON of researching! I could go on and on, but I did a lot of research about indie publishing (which is like running a business), resources like editors, cover designers, interior formatting, marketing, ads, etc. Most of this process has been researching.

GJ: What are your thoughts for other aspiring writers on writing and publishing?

JT: Always remember your WHY. Why do you do this? Why do you love it? Why do you want to give your stories to the world? Remembering that deep why will get you through the hard seasons.

GJ: Have you ever endured any discouragement being a young author? If so, what inspired you to persevere?

JT: Sometimes there is a negative response towards young authors because they assume that means their work is low quality. Yes, young writers have less life experience, but I’ve read plenty of stories by young writers that were better than some published adult authors. Yes, young writers have a lot to learn, but if you feel called to publish young, go for it. Don’t let other people affect what God has called you to do.

GJ: What are your greatest aspirations for your future, be it as a person or as a writer?

JT: I definitely want to see my indie author business grow and expand. I want to learn more about this industry, and I’m excited about what stories God will give me to write in the future and how my relationship with Him will grow.

GJ: What has being a writer taught you?

JT: Things like how to manage time, create goals, and hone my craft. But also deeper things like how to push through hard seasons, truly giving my work to the Lord, and how important art is to the world.


About the Author

Jenna Terese believes stories are powerful. That’s why she’s dedicated to creating fiction that will impact the world. You can find this INFP dreaming about the future, fangirling over her favorite books, geeking out about Marvel, playing piano, or sipping a chai tea latte as she writes sci-fi novels.

Check out Jenna's website here, and/or follow her on Amazon, Goodreads, Instagram, Pinterest, and BlogLovin'!

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Joy C. Woodbury
Jul 02, 2021

Eeep!! Crazy Ignite fangirl over here devouring all these interviews and book reviews. IGNITE IS THE BEST.

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Jul 03, 2021
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Kristina Hall
Jul 02, 2021

Great interview! I can't wait to read your review of Ignite! And congratulations, Jenna!!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Jul 03, 2021
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Thank you! I hope you enjoy the review! Turns out I scheduled it at the same time as this one, so...


Vanessa Hall
Jul 02, 2021

This was such a great interview. I loved your answers, Jenna, and you're such a good interviewer, Grace! 😄

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Jul 02, 2021
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Thank you! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!


Jenna Carr
Jul 02, 2021

Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Grace! <3

-Jenna Terese

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Jul 02, 2021
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It was my pleasure!!! <333


Jul 02, 2021

Love this interview!! Y'all's questions and answers were so inspiring!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Jul 02, 2021
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Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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