There's no doubt that I simply adore Kellyn Roth's historical novels - I've been bugging y'all about them for months now! Which is why I think it's high time to share a little bit of the Alice and Ivy wonderfulness with y'all - so let's give an extremely warm welcome to one of my favorite Roth characters (and one of my favorite heroines too), Miss Ivy Knight from At Her Fingertips, which releases TOMORROW!
Want to follow the rest of the tour? You can find the schedule here!
GJ: Well, hello, Ivy! *switches to an affected British accent* I’m ever so pleased that you could join me today. How are you doing this fine morning?
IK: Good morning! I’m doing quite well. And you?
GJ: Oh, I’m splendid! Now, I have a stack of questions to ask you… *shuffles papers around* …but, first, I want to know how Pearlbelle Park feels after so long at McCale House. Have you reacclimated well?
IK: Oh, I think so! It’s not so bad, really. I love being with my family—especially Mother, Nettie, and Alice—and the children have grown on me. At first, I admit I was a bit uncharitable. *blushes* But it didn’t take me long to realize how dear they are! I do love children, especially my own.
GJ: How are Jordy and Violet doing? Do you miss them?
IK: Violet is doing well, I think! She moves around quite a bit—from London to McCale House and back—but I’ll see her sometimes, and she’s about the same. We’ve had some lovely conversations; we write every week. But yes, I do miss her, very much. I always worry about her when we’re not together, but then I see her, and I am comforted.
I can never get Jordy to answer my letters, but whenever he does, he’s bright and positive. I’m so glad he’s happy! Even though I miss him, of course. He must be an actual doctor by now … *cocks head* I can’t remember exactly when he said he’d start actually being a doctor, but it should be soon.
GJ: I’m glad to hear that! They’re both the sweetest. Your family must make their absence easier to bear. Your sister Alice is good company, yes?
IK: Well ... *hesitates*
Yes. She is. She’s very kind to me, I’m sure, but she’s busy. Understandably so, of course, but it means that we don’t spend very much time together. And I’ve often felt Alice doesn’t quite understand … *another hesitation*
I’m sure she is good company.
GJ: Ah, the Season is upon us, isn’t it? *sighs* You’re not going to London, though, are you, Ivy? ‘Tis just Alice?
IK: I actually am going along, though I won’t go to parties and such. I’ll just stay home and be near. I didn’t want to wait at Pearlbelle Park, especially since it meant spending time with Uncle Charlie—and I might see Violet, too—but I also want to be near Alice. She’ll need support, I’m sure. However, no, I don’t debut this year, if I ever do.
GJ: What say you of her matrimonial intentions? Do you expect she will find a man who suits her long list of requirements?
IK: I know, if it’s God’s will, she’ll find someone, but I don’t think he’ll necessarily meet her requirements. At least, not all of them. However, who’s to know? God could always provide Alice with her “perfect husband”—she thinks so. And though Alice hasn’t said, I’d rather give her the benefit of the doubt and believe she’s consulted God on the subject! So, perhaps. Maybe. I just hope she’ll be open to … other options.
So yes and no?
And I didn’t answer your first question. Let me see. What was it?
Oh, right. Hmm, um, I think … Alice certainly has a way of believing. And she’s not terribly … flexible? So I think it suits her to have a list and goals and all that. But I could never … do that personally? It’s not my place to judge, and I support her no matter what my … personal feelings might be on her … plans.
GJ: *narrows eyes* What do you want in a husband, Ivy?
IK: Oh, um. *blushes* I don’t really know. It doesn’t matter, I suppose—I don’t think it’s in the cards for me. I suppose if I were to pick, it’d be someone who makes me feel safe and knows my weaknesses and loves me anyway—oh, and is a man of God. But as I said, I don’t really expect it.
GJ: *grins cheekily* Now, a little birdie told me that a fellow by the name of Peter Strauss visited Pearlbelle Park just recently. *leans forward to whisper conspiratorially* I hear he’s an American. *straightens, clearing her throat* What was your impression of Mr. Strauss?
IK: *big grin* Peter is absolutely lovely. I absolutely love him! I mean … *frowns* Not like that. But he’s like a brother to me already—a big brother. He’s a bit old.
But he’s not stodgy at all—well, not always, at least—and he’s so kind and wise, and he reads, which I think is all you truly want out of a good friend. We talked about Jane Eyre until about one in the morning once, which is quite late for me (Peter likes to stay up, so he didn’t even notice)—and Alice scolded us.
Anyway, suffice to say I think Peter is all he ought to be.
GJ: I personally think he’s quite the enigma—an American reporter spying on the British upper class. There must be an ulterior motive, don’t you think?
IK: *slightly offended* I don’t think so, no. Peter couldn’t have an ulterior motive if he tried. I did wonder, at first, but almost as soon as I spoke with him, I knew he was kind. He’d never betray us.
GJ: In the meantime, I hear your sister has taken a liking to Mr. Gibson Ashfield. Now there’s a piece of news. What do you think of him?
IK: We-ell …
I’m sure he’s very pleasant. *presses her lips together* He … he makes me a bit uncomfortable. But I don’t have any reason for feeling that way, really, so … I’m trusting God to work it all out.
GJ: Should Alice marry after her Season, regardless of whom to, what do you think will happen? To your relationship, I mean. Will you miss your sister?
IK: Oh, yes! I’ll miss her very much. I … I try not to think about that, though, because I don’t really know what will happen. *gets a bit teary then shakes it away* It’ll be fine, I’m sure. We’ll all adjust.
GJ: The both of you have grown so much since your childhood. What has changed, for the better or the worse?
IK: Oh, it’s hard to say, really. I think Alice had gotten a lot more forceful, which is saying something, but I’m sure it’ll take her far. And then I’ve gained at least a bit of confidence—and I can talk to people, too, which is nice. Overall, though, it’s hard to say … I mean, summarizing eighteen years of life and growth is quite difficult!
GJ: Looking back upon your younger self, have you anything you wish you could say to her? A word of wisdom, perhaps?
IK: I would tell myself that I don’t have to do anything but breathe … and breathe … and breathe. If you can do that much, then in time you’ll be able to see the next step, take it, and keep breathing. That’s how you live life.
GJ: Where do you hope to see yourself in the future?
IK: I wish I knew! Alice tells me not to worry about it, but that’s like telling me not to play the piano—of course I will. All the same, my worry benefits me very little indeed. Nothing comes of it. In the end, I don’t have a lot to hope for, yet, except that God will use me … which of course He will, in His own time.
GJ: Now, before we close this interview, I have a few fun questions I’d like to ask. First, what is one of your most favorite songs to play on the piano?
IK: Right now, I’ve been learning (and falling in love with) Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6—it’s just a fun piece to play. Before this, I had a period of time when I played nothing but Chopin, but Alice said the pieces I was choosing were depressing her, so I’ve switched to Liszt for the time being.
GJ: Which Bible verse speaks to you the most?
IK: Different passages appeal to me at different periods in my life. At the moment, I love Psalm 4:8: “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.”
GJ: If you could do or be anything at all, what would it be?
IK: Oh, I’m quite happy being Ivy. I think I’d be where I am now.
GJ: Thank you so much for joining me, Ivy! It’s been a pleasure!
IK: Thank you so much for having me here!
About the Book
She’s willing to do anything to follow her plan.
Debutante Alice Knight is ready for her first social season in London. She’s determined to impress society and her mother with an affluent match, at last escaping her past and embracing a future of her own making.
Peter Strauss, an American reporter visiting England, isn’t exactly what Alice had in mind. However, his friendship proves invaluable as Alice faces the challenges of her debut. Almost immediately, she attracts the attention of a well-born gentleman—perfect save for the simple fact that he’s not a Christian.
The life she longs for is finally at her fingertips, but between her own heart and the convictions of her faith, she isn’t sure she ought to grasp it.
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About the Author

Kellyn Roth is a Christian historical women’s fiction & romance author from North-Eastern Oregon who has independently published multiple novels, the most notable being The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy series. You should definitely call her Kell.
Kell lives on family-owned property outside an unmemorable but historical town with her parents, two little brothers, arbitrary cat, precious border collies, a dozen cows, and lots of chickens. She also possesses a classic, vintage aesthetic which does not at all speak to her country girl side, but such is life.
When not writing, Kell likes to blog, teach writing to her various students, have day jobs which allow her to keep her car properly insured, and spend lavish amounts of money on Dairy Queen french fries. She also likes to talk about Keira Knightley and her own books way too much.
You can follow Kell her social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, MeWe, Goodreads) and at her blog and website! Better yet, sign up for her newsletter to get all kinds of fantastic bookish goodies in your inbox!

Thank you so much for posting this! This interview was such a blast to do. <3 Ivy is the best!
I love this! And I love Ivy too. :) She's my favorite, mayybe even over Peter. 😏 Thank you Grace!
Ivy had to be my favorite character too! :)
Ahh, I love Ivy! I think she might be my favorite character in At Her Fingertips. Great interview!!