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  • Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson


I feel like that title needs more exclamation marks. Why? Because in TWO HOURS, my friends, my FIRST EVER PAPERBACK GIVEAWAY begins!!! Yes, indeedsy! That means I will be giving away not an ebook, not digital goodies, not anything in an email.


This time I will be MAILING a PHYSICAL copy of one of my books to ONE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I mean, yeah, shipping's gonna cost me something awful, BUT IT'S WORTH IT!

Don't you just love it when things get physical?


All right, that was bad. Don't mind me. I'm just super excited because not only is this my first ever in recorded history physical also marks the 2nd bookiversary of Prisoner at Heart! Yessiree, Bob! PAH turns TWO on the 29th of this month!

*squeals again*

*chucks confetti at everyone*

*throws chocolate and ice cream everywhere*

Okay, this is getting out of hand. Let's tone things down here and get into the details, shall we?

So, last year, in honor of Prisoner at Heart's first anniversary, I did a post every day for a week about PAH - snippets, behind the scenes, playlists and Pinterest boards - the works. (You can check out those posts here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. That's a lot of heres. Let it be noted that Day 6 is missing because I missed that day. Oops!)

Anyway, since I've basically already done pretty much everything one could think of in honor of the book, I'm left with no other choice but to give away a SIGNED paperback copy!


The rules are simple. No low blows, no kidney punches. *grins* Actually, the rules are that you have to be a US resident to enter (I know that hurts, my lovely international readers...but I do have something for you too), and if you're under 18, you'll need your parent/guardian's permission, and just keep in mind that any and all personal information you provide me will not be exploited in any way!

Ready to enter? Let's do it!

Now, if you're not interested in the paperback giveaway, you're an international reader, or you haven't read Held Captive yet, then don't worry! Anyone who subscribes to my newsletter between now and November 1st is eligible to win an e-copy of Prisoner at Heart, AND, if you shoot me an email letting me know that you've not yet read Held Captive, then I'll send you an e-copy of it!

Yes, I'm in a giving mood! The holidays are upon us, people!

Ooh...what am I gonna do for Christmas??? Suggestions are welcome!

Well, I'll leave y'all with that! You'll be seeing me again real soon! *tips hat*

Oh, yeah, I'll be announcing the winner the first of next month and shipping their book out as soon as possible! Can't guarantee when it'll get to 'em, but it'll get there, Lord willing!

Bookishly yours,


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Nov 05, 2021

Congrats on PAH's two-year bookiversary!!!!!!!!! *throws confetti* WOO-HOO!!!!!!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!!! I've been enjoying PAH!!!!!!!! It's really keeping me interested!!!!!!!!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Nov 05, 2021
Replying to

Thank you SO MUCH!!!! EEEE! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!!! <333


Em Seaver
Oct 30, 2021

(Shipping really isn't that bad. I've been sending THTDE off for less than $2. Make sure to tell the post office that it's a book because there's a better rate for books being sent for some reason)

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Oct 30, 2021
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Really? Dang, that's good. I was looking at shipping being more like $3-$4. Prisoner at Heart is a bit heavier than THTDE, though, so hopefully that's a flat rate. No way. I'll definitely do that! Thanks, girl!


Oct 27, 2021

*cries in Canadian* I so wish I could enter, but... alas... Canada.... XD CONGRATS on PAH's 2-year anniversary! SO proud of you for putting your work out there!!!!! ♡♡♡

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Oct 27, 2021
Replying to

I knooooooow. *sobs* AWWW, THANK YOU!!! <3333


Unknown member
Oct 25, 2021

WOW wait REALLY?! Awesome! SO exciteddddddd for y'all! Don't think I'll be able to enter, but I will definitely be subbing to your newsletter!!! :DD

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Oct 25, 2021
Replying to

Yes, really!!! Aw, darn! Thank you, though!! <333


Saraina Whitney
Oct 25, 2021

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for this giveaway!!!!! You are rightly excited and so am I, haha!!!!!!!!!!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Oct 25, 2021
Replying to

You're so welcome!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!! <333


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