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  • Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson

Blogger Recommendations Tag!

I am super excited for this tag and I’m so grateful to the lovely Kristianne for tagging me...but y’all. This post was a struggle! I know I follow a great many blogs, but many aren’t on Wordpress (like mine), so I may have...forgotten them? I don’t know. I just feel like I’m missing a TON of great bloggers here, and of course some of these questions were hard to answer because I’m just like all of them? And it seems that I follow more blogs than I read. I only actively read a select few, despite how many blogs I’m subscribed to. So suffice to say my answers may not be all that they’re cracked up to be. Plus it seems like a lot of the fantastic blogs I follow don’t fit the I don’t know either. Hence my lovely honorable mention at the end of this!

Now, enough complaining. On to the tag!


The Rules

  • Thank and link back to the person who tagged you. (Thank you, Kristianne!)

  • Mention the creator of the tag: Nehal @ Quirky Pages.

  • List the rules.

  • Share one or more bloggers you think fits into each criteria.

  • The people you mention will be considered tagged.

  • Apart from the ones you shared, you can tag other bloggers and notify them.

  • Just have fun!!


The Recommendations

A fascinating blog theme: I had originally written down an answer for in subject or idea...but I realize now that by blog theme, they meant aesthetic design theme Wordpress template thing.


I need to pay better attention, don't I? *cries* (Even still, all that above still applies.

SO! When we start talking design themes, I *must* go with Maya Joelle, because I just love her site. I dunno, it's just so cohesive and aesthetic and it fits her so well and...yeah. Then there's Christine Smith, who also has a cohesive and aesthetic site. And E. C. Colton...whom I've mentioned below because her all her homepages are gorgeous...just check out her author site! Ooh, and Victoria Lynn! One word: pink.

Y'all, these girls got me wanting to redo my website. Again.

A lovely home page: E. C. Colton/Quill of Hope. Technically, Em doesn’t blog here anymore *sobs* but you should still be able to read her old posts and, of course, admire her lovely site! I actually used her design as kind of a reference for my own when I redid it last year! Aaand, whaddya know! She’s changed her homepage since then, so… *shrugs* But it still beautiful!

Great book reviews: The Bluestocking, Old-Fashioned Book Love,Vanessa Hall, Kristina Hall, Breny and Books, and Bookish Daughter of the King! All six of these blogs are Christian reviewing blogs run by some lovely Christian girls!

Amazing humor: The Sarcastic Elf and Lilacs & Reveries. Sarcasm. Nuff said.

Mind-blowing poems and stories: Maya Joelle/When Through the Woods, Writing Daisies, and Sword of the Penmaiden! Maya’s poems are EXQUISITE, Daisy’s blog serial Smoke & Mirrors is TOO GOOD, and Joelle is always putting out amazing stories and—currently—a sci-fi serial of her own!

The friendliest: This one was a no-brainer. I agree with Kristianne...Teen Writers’ Nook!

The most consistent: Vanessa Hall and Kristina Hall are always on the top of their game, posting at least once a week but usually more like three times a week with book reviews, author interviews, writing updates, and more! And, of course, Scribes & Archers is super consistent about putting out fantastic content...mainly articles about fantasy worldbuilding that are in-depth and out-of-the-box!

The best at sharing tips: I don’t think I follow a blog that is solely advice-related...there’s always something else sprinkled I’d have to say Scribes & Archers, since R. M. Archer is seriously committed to sharing tips about worldbuilding, writing, and more! Of course, Kristianne at Whimsical Wanderings, E. G. Bella, Kayleigh Idea, Elfwing’s Wanderings, and Teen Writers’ Nook always have great advice to share!

The talented artist:I feel like there should be more in this category...but all I can think of are Your Writerly Friend Kads, Eflwing’s Wanderings, andThe Sarcastic Elf! All three are AMAZING artists!! Only Sarah at The Sarcastic Elf actually shares her art, though...but you can catch Iris (Elfwing’s Wanderings) showing some behind-the-scenes pictures of her drawings on Facebook!

Cool site name: All of the above. Seriously, all the blog names are just fantastic!

The underrated: Also all of the above. I mean, I don’t follow any insanely popular blogs, so I guess they all count! Which of these have you heard of? Which ones have you not?

Honorable mention (I’m adding this category myself): Within the Static is also a great one! One of the only non-bookish ones of the bunch, this Christian lifestyle blog is chock-full of AMAZING stuff—perspectives on culture, church, youth, and more! Not So Perfect, Inspired by Life...and Fiction, Glorify Christ, The Worthy Beloved (and more) are some other amazing blogs that are focused on a little more than just reading and writing! They’re all so uplifting and encouraging and engaging! Then there’s Saraina’s blog and Madi’s Musings and Little Blossoms for Jesus and SO many more whose, like I said, awesomeness cannot be contained to a specific several blogs I’ve just started following and can’t necessarily give opinions on yet.

So, it seems my tags have been taken care of for me...but if you’re a blogger, consider yourself tagged! One can never have too many great blog recs, I always say!

(I don’t always say that, but you get my point.)

What about y’all? What are some of your favorite blogs? What do y’all love reading about? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!

Yours in spirit and script,


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22 comentarios

Ariel Ramey
05 abr 2022

Aw, thank you so much for mentioning my blogs! I'm glad they've been a blessing to you!

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E. G. Bella
15 mar 2022

Thank you so much for the mention, friend! There are so many great blogs here, and I'll have to check out the ones I haven't heard of before. Thank you for sharing! :D

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Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
15 mar 2022
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You are so welcome!! Yes, you must! Absolutely! <333

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Madi's Musings
10 mar 2022

Thank you so much for the honorable mention, Grace!

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Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
10 mar 2022
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You're so welcome, Madi! :D

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Saraina Whitney
08 mar 2022

Lol I bet this was a bit of a struggle to write!! Choosing things like this is sooo hard, for me anyways. I totally agree with all the blogs I know that you mentioned - and thank you for the shoutout!

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Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
09 mar 2022
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It was!! You are so welcome! <333

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Alicia Marentette
08 mar 2022

Now I have more blogs to follow!! Yay!!!

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Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
09 mar 2022
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Yay! :D

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