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Summer Blog Scavenger Hunt (Stop #1)

Writer's picture: Grace A. JohnsonGrace A. Johnson

Y'all will not believe this. Okay, maybe you will. I've prepared you beforehand for this amazing development, plus there's this picture above the words you're reading that probably says it all.

I'm hosting my first ever blog scavenger hunt. Not only that, but I have six other AMAZING bloggers/writers joining me--including Issabelle and Katherine Perry of Teen Writers' Nook and Kristianne from Whimsical Wanderings!

So, before we jump in, I want to outline how a blog scavenger hunt works (for those who are new to the most of us are, obviously). From NOW until May 9th at 12am, you get to hop from post to post collecting "clues" (which are actually just snippets of text) and entering giveaways! Once you've gone through the loop, you'll circle back to my blog and enter the clues you collected (all in order) to enter into the final giveaway!

The prizes include e-copies of Held Captive and Prisoner at Heart (by yours truly), bookmarks, blog guest post opportunities, and more! Only ONE winner will be chosen!

Along the way, my fellow bloggers have prepared some super fun and summer-y posts, as well as a few giveaways! In this post, you have the chance to win an e-copy of Six O'clock...but we'll get to that later. For now, let's start with the rules.

  • The hunt begins on 5/7 at midnight EST

  • Don’t rush! You’ve got all weekend (until Sunday, 5/9 at midnight) to hunt. So take your time, checking out all the unique posts along the way. Share your thoughts in the comments or the blogs with your friends!

  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the clue (code stream) on each blogger’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop on back here on my site!


Now, if you've found me through one of the other bloggers in the loop, then allow me to introduce myself! My name is Grace A. Johnson (but you may call me Gracie), and I'm a fifteen-year-old self-published Christian historical romance author! (I also moonlight as a fantasy author, contemporary author, mystery writer, and poet, but I prefer to stick with just one title. *wink*) I'm also a book reviewer and graphic designer in my spare (of which there is little, as you can imagine).

My first novel, Held Captive, debuted in March of 2019 (yep, two whole years ago!) and was the #6 bestseller in Christian historical romance in the Kindle store! You can check my baby out here! Oh, and yes. It is a pirate novel.

Or you can take a peek at the short story I'm giving away this weekend, my latest release, Six O'clock, right here!

Now, with that out of the way, let's dive in with some summer fun!


#1 What is my most favorite part of summer?

Believe it or not, summer is my least favorite time of the year. Ironic, no? Since I'm homeschooled and live on/in/surrounded by farmland, I don't have a huge summer vacation to look forward to. I have a 3/4 of an acre garden and 50+ acres of blueberries to look forward to.

Not to mention I abhor the heat. And the skeeters. And the flies. And the sweat. And...

Wait. I'm supposed to be talking about my favorite part of summer, aren't I?

Well, my favorite part would definitely be going to Summer Waves at Jekyll Island with mi familia. We would usually go in May, but since the aforementioned blueberries are just now coming into season, we'll prolly be going in July/August this year. Either way, I always get super excited about going to the waterpark. Childish? I think not.

#2 What are my plans for this summer?


Ahem. I think we've addressed that already. Yes, I will be working. I will also be preparing to return to college in the fall (after a hiatus my sophomore year), this time transferring from Brewton-Parker to Costal Pines for a small business marketing manager TCC. (Sounds fancy, but it's just free dual-enrollment stuff. I like to make it sound all nerdy and cool.)

Otherwise, I don't have anything special going on. Have family flying in for the month of July. Turn sixteen in August. You know, the usual.

#3 Name one or more books that shout Summer!

(I gave everybody this question why?)

*shrugs* *runs to her Goodreads read list* *scours her bookshelves*

To be honest, I'm not a summery person, so I don't really gravitate toward summery/beachy reads. However, I have read a TON of novella collections (by Barbour, I think) from, like, the early 2000s that were just so fun and summery! Oh, and then there's Jody Hedlund's lighthouse novels. And that one book...

M'kay. I have complied a list.

  • The Nature of a Lady by Roseanna M. White. Okay, it's set in the Scillies and during the summer. Can it get any more summery? Nope. Also, it's, like, the most fabulous book ever. #thenatureofalady #thesecretoftheisles #ilovethisbook

  • Anything by Eugenia Price. Everything by her is summery to me. The perks of being set on the Georgia coast, I guess! Anyway, from the St. Simons Trilogy to the Savannah quartet, her books have this beautiful East Coast feel I love! Oh, and her novel To See Your Face Again is like...AHHH!!! SO. GOOD.

  • Michigan Weddings. This novella collection was the first that came to my mind, actually. You can hardly find these anymore--the short novellas from Harlequin's Truly Yours/Heartsong Presents line, but these three and a lot more all had such fun premises and aesthetics. Most of the books have been republished by Barbour in huge collections like this one.

  • Jody Hedlund's Beacons of Hope series. This series...y'all, this series will always have a special place in my heart. I don't love the stories as much as I once did, but if it weren't for this series, I probably wouldn't be a writer! (But that's a story for another day...) Anyway, lighthouses and Michigan always put me in the mood for summer, and this series captures both perfectly!

  • Anything piratey! If it's got pirates in it, I automatically label it as summer. From Kathleen Y'Barbo's books to MaryLu Tyndall's novels, the summer vibes are definitely there!

  • Oh, yeah! Speaking of, the Escape to Paradise trilogy by MaryLu Tyndall is set in Brazil, and the island/beach vibes put me in the mood for summer, for sure!

#4 What books am I looking forward to reading this summer?

Okay, I can answer this question! I am definitely looking forward to reading more of Tamara Leigh, especially her latest releases, Reckless and Boundless!

Winning the Gentleman by Kristi Ann Hunter is a story I've been wanting to read before she even wrote it, and it's actually coming up next on my to-read list, so I'm very excited for that!

Emma by Jane Austen.

AND Heir to His Crown by Issabelle Perry and Calligraphy Guild by R.M Archer! I have the honor and pleasure of being a beta-reader this summer for these two novels, and AH! I am just so excited!!!!

#5 Are there any books releasing this summer that I'm excited about?

Someone was prepared this time...

AND Ignite by Jenna Terese and At Her Fingertips by Kellyn Roth! I'm honored to be a part of these lovely girls' launch teams, so you will be hearing a LOT more about these novels in the coming months! Both are releasing in July of this year!!!!!

#6 What projects will I be working on?

*sigh* The same one I've been working on for the last year and a half. BAD.

Or, if you prefer something a little more positive, Bound and Determined.

I hope to FINALLY finish my fat, 64-chapter-pound baby by the end of July, but I'm not holding my breath.

In the meantime, I will be working on releasing Daylight, which is...ugh. I am so stoked about this short story. I know y'all will love it!

Also, I'll be working on my Regency reimaginings collection, so keep your eyes out for more information about that!


Whew! Maybe you made it through that really long post down to this very short section in which I supply you with all that you came here for: the free stuff.

Here are the basics for Stop #1:

Write down this clue: One of our favorite things

Go to Stop #2: Teen Writers' Nook!

Enter this giveaway:

I'm only selecting three winners, and the giveaway ends on May 9th at 12am (same time as the final giveaway), so be sure to put your name in the hat for a chance to win! (Please note that entering my personal giveaway is optional and should only be attempted while wearing safety glasses.)


Well, thank you for making it this far! I hope y'all enjoy all of the wonderful prizes and posts along the scavenger hunt loop! Let me know in the comments what books you're looking forward to reading, what your favorite part of summer is, and what you'll be doing these next couple months! Don't forget to write down your clue and head on to the next post! Happy hunting!

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20 komentarzy

09 maj 2021

Hi, Grace!!!!!🙂 I am so sorry I'm late. I had a lot of family stuff this these past couple of days.

Anyway, Escape to Paradise sounds really interesting!!!!!!!! I love island vibes!!!!!😀 I hope you reach your goal with BAD!!!!!! Gooo, Gracie!!!!!! I believe you can do it!!!!! And I can't wait for it to come out!!!! *squeals*

This scavenger hunt is SO EXCITING!!!!!!! Thank you again for hosting it!!!! <33333

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
10 maj 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

No problem! Thank you SO much for doing this with me!!!!!!!

Oh, yes, Escape to Paradise was such a unique series!

Thank you!!! Your support means so much!!! (Haha, me neither!)

Thank YOU!!!!! <333


Kristianne Hassman
09 maj 2021

This post was so fun to read! I love all your book recommendations, and I have some ideas of what to read next! That is so neat that you're starting college classes! Does that mean you're done high school already?

Thank you so much for doing this, Grace! It was a lot of fun! :)

Kristianne Hassman
10 maj 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

Yes, I've taken a few dual enrollment classes out of colleges in the States. That's great!


Miranda Sylvester
08 maj 2021

Enjoy this whole post!

That's definitely a good reason to not like summer.

It's funny that your WIP is called BAD for short! I love that.

And, oh, you have read Jody Hedlund's Beacon of Hope series! I'm really eager to read them after reading the free prequel on ebook and skimming the first chapters of the first book (I'm not sure why I didn't read them properly). Have you read any other Jody Hedlund's books? I have only read one of her series but it was so good and I really want to read all of her books.

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
08 maj 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

Thank you!

Isn't it, though?

Haha, so do I!

I have!! The second, fourth, and fifth books in that series are by far my favorites! I've read almost all of her books! I'm working on reading the Fairest Maidens and Bride Ship series, but I've read her other two series - The Noblest Knights (or something like that) and Orphan Train! They are so good - she is an amazing author!


Issabelle P.
07 maj 2021

YESSSSS!!!!! LOOOOVED reading your post, girl. I hope you get a lot done in BAD this summer (you're killing us with the suspense to read it XD) and I am SOOO PUMPED and excited for Daylight and your Regency retellings!!!!! They are gonna be AWESOME and I'm sooo excited to have you on the beta team for HTHC!!! (I'm one of those crazy people who squeals every time she sees her name listed somewhere. XD) THANK YOU for hosting this AMAZING scavenger hunt!!! <33

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
07 maj 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Ah, girl, so am I!!! (It's killin' me. XD) EEEE! I'm glad!!!!!!

(I'm the same. XD) I'm so excited to be reading it!!!!!!!

Thank YOU for participating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sophia Snyder
07 maj 2021

OH! This is so exciting! I loved reading all your answers here! And question: if summer is your least favorite part of the year, then which is your favorite?

And I absolutely cannot wait to read most of those books you mentioned! I'm most especially look forward to Winning the Gentleman, Heir to His Crown, The Heart's Change, and Come Back to Me! I just neeeed all these to come out!! I don't think I'll be entering the giveaway (since I already have your books), but I'm soooo looking forward to reading Issabelle, Katherine, and Kristianne's posts!!

Issabelle P.
10 maj 2021
Odpowiada osobie:

D'awww, girl, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Girl, I don't even know what to SAY to all of this awesome niceness!!!!! *showers you with your favorite snacks and sweets* Eeeekkk, I am SOOOOO EXCITED that you're excited!!! I mean, it's definitely got a LOT of work before it'll be ready for publication, but getting that first draft finished is normally the hardest part, so I'm glad it's over with!!!


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