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Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson

welcome to march! (february wrapup & march goals)

Well, February happened. And just like always, it happened in the blink of an eye. As I starting writing down all that I accomplished last month, I was quite honestly surprised that 28 days could yield such fruit—and yet not complete any of the major projects I had on my list.

Any of y’all been there? 😂

Let’s face it, though, the highlight of the 💕month of love💕 was easily the release of none other than...drum roll, please…

Tell Me You Love Me!

After an entire year, last February’s dream became this February’s reality: a Christian romance anthology full of God-honoring, sweet, and tender love stories.

If you’ve yet to snag your copy, I urge you to! Trust me, you’ll want this collection on your shelf or Kindle, and you’ll want to support these young Christian authors!

Speaking of TMYLM, you may have noticed that my book page for it has not been updated with the purchase link yet. That, my lovelies, is because my site is undergoing serious renovations (y’all said not to change it, I said I must 😅) and I can’t update that page without publishing a half-finished site. But rest assured the new page and new design will be debuting soon—hopefully sometime this month, Lord willing!


what i did last month

So, last month’s goals were:

  • Release Tell Me You Love Me

  • Complete four editing projects

  • Write four reviews

  • Finish three websites

  • Begin writing Something Bright and Beautiful

Obvious, TMYLM was published, praise God! But all my other goals? Not so much. I designed two out of three websites (still pretty happy about that), wrote three out of four reviews, completed one editing project out of four, and did not write a single word in SBaB. In fact, progress on my novella Her Heart’s Home has been next to nil lately too, and it’s due to be completed in the middle of this month...which brings us to March’s goals!

this month’s goals

Basically do what I didn’t do last month...but I say that every time. 😅 Some new goals are to update my website, relaunch my Patreon, and post consistently on S&J Editor’s Instagram!

monthly progress

Um. Lemme think. Like 500 words in Her Heart’s Home, I think. It’s been...rough, writing-wise. Hopefully this month will be different, though! I’d at least like to write a chapter in SBaB and finish HHH.

reading highlights

Well, last month’s reading wasn’t quite as prolific as January’s...I read one novel, two short novels, and two short stories.

Naturally the top read was The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin (review here), but The Lady in the Moneylender’s Parlour by Roseanne E. Lortz and Until We All Share Joy by Heather Wood were both so good as well!

top blog posts

February was a weird month for blog posts (and March is shaping up to be quite similar, if the fact that this post is semi-late is of any indication). I got out quite a few at the first of the month, since the tour for TMYLM and STL going on, but the end of the month was super spotty. BUT I did post two reviews, which was a huge plus!

The top post was on writing enemies-to-lovers right, which was so fun to put together in honor of Valentine’s Day! Close behind was the release day post for TMYLM! Also, if you haven’t checked them out yet, I had a few underrated posts on writing fight scenes, strong heroines, and more! I’m trying to post more writing advice and tips (per y’all’s request), so hopefully you’ll see even more this month!

follower updates

I’m sure I have tons of stuff to tell y’all, but I cannot remember for sure. But I am excited to share that I’ve started building custom Wix websites (and redesigning current ones) for stupid cheap! I have only ONE slot open in April, so if you’re interested in a new or updated Wix author website or blog, now’s the chance to commission one!

guest appearances

I think I’m missing a post or two from the last couple months, but the only guest post I remember doing is this one on editing/proofreading for free on Writers’ Vision! Stayed tuned for a guest post on Joy Calle Martinez’s blog this month!


How did your February go? Was there flowers and chocolate involved? 😜 What was your top read? Any goals for March? I wanna hear all about it in the comments, folks!

yours in spirit & script,


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12 תגובות

06 במרץ 2023

Happy March!

Spring is for sure one of my favourite seasons -- daffodils and sun have come to Cornwall and I must say tis all so fresh and wonderful. Has it warmed up over where you are?

Sounds like a pretty productive February! It was so exciting to hold TmYLm in my hands and I so enjoyed reading it!!

My February writing wise was mostly working on my book and projects with my writing group. (and yes, my parents always make sure there is chocolate on the table and a chocolately breakfast on that certain love day which is always so sweet <3 )

Looking forward to seeing your new designs here-- I know they will be beautiful!!

Have a…

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
06 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Haha, yep. That's the South for ya. XD Dadgum, that's cool! About like fall and winter over here for us!


Joelle Stone
06 במרץ 2023

Girl, despite not writing much, you got a killer amount done this month!! Way to go! (Plus, hey, I love my site. XD) *hugs you* Wishing you the best as you move forward into March!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
06 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Aww, thanks, girl!! (I'm SO glad you do!! :D) You too, girl! <333


Saraina Whitney
04 במרץ 2023

Ahhhh I can't wait to see the new site design!!! (I know I'm one of those who said not to change it, but I mean, I know it'll be gorgeous. So I shan't be complaining at all XP) And I'll be praying you get those words written in HHH and SBaB!! <333 You got this!

As for the chocolate question, my sister sneaked me some chocolate chips when she was baking cookies, but other than that, not really. 🤣

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
04 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

I can't wait for you to see it!! (Haha, thanks, girl! XD I honestly wasn't sure if I should update it, but once I started working on it, I knew it would be a million times better!) Aww, thanks so much! I really appreciate it! :D

Ahh, haha, it still counts, I guess! XD


A.M. Revere
04 במרץ 2023

Hey, girly! My February was nice, spending time with my family and a lot of work! I did not finish any of the books I planned on, haha! Hence my Goodreads list of books that aren't finished yet. ;)

My goal for March is to successfully launch Abolish the Label and enjoy a week off from work! :)

Have a wonderful weekend, love!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
04 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Aw, that's great, girl! Oof, I feel ya! XD

Ooh, awesome!! :D

You too, girl! <3


Vanessa Hall
04 במרץ 2023

Ooh, a short story! That sounds super fun. And hey, 500 words is progress. Any words is progress in my book. And I believe I ate some chocolate in February ... did you? 😂

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
04 במרץ 2023
בתשובה לפוסט של

Yes!! Haha, true, true! Girl, I ate too much (and, yes, there is such a thing...but only when you're trying to "diet" 😅)!


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