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Welcome to March! (February Wrapup + March Goals)

Writer's picture: Grace A. JohnsonGrace A. Johnson

Before we get into things (of which there are many, of course), I have several announcements to make!

Drum roll, if you will…






*clears throat*

First, submissions for Tell Me You Love Me, my Christian romance anthology celebrating the beauty of the words “I love you” and Who they reflect, are STILL OPEN!! Yes, there is still time, because submissions close on the 31st of this month! If you’re ready to submit, click HERE! And if you’re interesting in learning more or sharing about the anthology, check out this page HERE! Of course, any questions you have about my requirements or preferences are welcome in the comments below!

I can’t wait to read your stories!

Second, there’s still time to join my Christian author newsletter swap! I won’t be closing the form for another week or two, so y’all be sure and fill out this form HERE (so many heres, my goodness!) to participate in the swap! (Plus, if you need more information on just what said newsletter swap is, you’ll find it on the form too!)

Third, I am officially opening up signups for my street team, Gracie’s Buccaneers, again for a limited time! If you’re interested in becoming a part of my behind-the-scenes crew who get first access to (1) cover designs and graphics and goodies such as that, (2) beta-reading opportunities (some of which are exclusive to only my street team), (3) advanced review copies, and (4) exclusive giveaways, sign up HERE! There’s also a lot of other awesome perks and amazing things I hope to do with and for my street team, so y’all join while you can! I’ll be closing signups sometime before Bound and Determined’s release, so the time is very limited!

Now that I’ve got all that out of the way, it’s time to wrap up February with a big red bow!


What I Did Last Month

My goals for last month? In short, they were: finish Bad, release Sky’s the Limit Literary Journal, write a poem a day, get my devotional out to betas, and finish my professional selling class.

Of course, BAD remains unfinished. *groans* I’m literally only, like, three chapters away from being done, so I hope to knock those out within the next week or so. We’ll see. I’m still shooting for my summer release, though, which shouldn’t change.

I DID finish formatting The Journal and designing Sky’s the Limit Press’ website (the first in the beginning of March, though, while the second I did do in February)...which means my official announcement is coming soon!!! Stay tuned for more news as it comes in!

I wrote a poem a day all last month—minus, like, two days that I missed (but I made up for them by writing two poems a day several times, so...)—and I wrapped up my only class for this semester on February 21st (which was nearly two weeks before I actually had to submit my final paper)!

So all in all, February wasn’t half bad. I also wrote a couple flash fiction stories for Spark (a clean romance online flash fiction magazine) and knocked out several book reviews, which was a plus, even though that meant I didn’t write much in BAD. *sobs*


This Month’s Goals

You guessed it. It’s STILL finish Bound and Determined. Of course, I also have some thing I’d like to submit to (Spark being one of them), so I have some stories to write and others to polish. There’s always reviews and what have you...including my review of In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh...which I am dreading having to write (it’s going to be very long and ranty, believe you me). Blog posts for Book Nations and Sky’s the Limit Press need to be written and posted...I need to keep pushing submissions for Tell Me You Love Me and signups for my newsletter swap (please share, you guys; it would mean a TON)...and I need to get With Fear and Tremblingready for release.

So, yeah...I’ve got a lot going on. *groans*


Monthly Progress

Er, yeah, about I said, I didn’t get much done in BAD at all...but I did write a few flash fiction pieces and thirty poems. I’d say those count, right? *winks*


Reading Highlights

I quite honestly read hardly anything during February. I finished a few things I started back in January, but otherwise? Just a couple short stories, really, and few books I didn’t quite enjoy. *sighs*

So the best of this month’s limited selection? Definitely Grace Livington Hill’s The Story of a Whim. This was my first ever book by her, and it. was. so. Good! I love her style and how beautiful and simple her romances are and how much faith content is in her works—or, well, this one, at least, but I know for a fact that the rest of her stories are even better!

And honorable mention goes to A Valentine from Charleston, Ashley Clark’s Valentine’s Day novella that was free for the holiday last month. I’ve never read anything by Ashley Clark, but I’m inclined to now, as her sweet romance novella was quite lovely!


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So February wasn’t everything I wanted it to be (no hot guys gave me chocolate, for example), but I got several projects done that I’d been working on for six months and took advantage of a few opportunities I hadn’t expected, so I won’t complain! Let’s just hope that now that school’s over ‘til August, I can get some stuff done!

What about y’all? How’s your WIP (or works-in-progress) going? What are your goals for March? Did y’all have a fantastic February? (Any hot guys?? Any poetic valentines?? ANY CHOCOLATE?????)

Yours in spirit and script,


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Saraina Whitney
Mar 08, 2022

Wow, flash fiction and writing a poem a day TOTALLY counts!!!! 😄 That's awesome. Ahhh I'm so excited for BAD to be finished!!! *cheers you on* February was a pretty good month for me too... even though I didn't work a lot of my main novel, I worked on the short story and that has been soooo fun. (And also, since I don't have that much experience writing short stories, it's been sharpening my skills in that area. Hopefully anyway. ;)

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Mar 08, 2022
Replying to

Yay! Thank you!! Ooh, yayayay!!! I am SO glad it's coming together!! (Aah, I'm sure it has!)


Unknown member
Mar 08, 2022

agoaghahg opaug aopig uap o YOU WROTE 30 POEMS?!? HOW?!!!!!!! AND YOU DIDN'T GET CHOCOLATE?!! *snaps fingers* Bummer.

(I didn't either. Hot guys, or cold ones, are forbidden for me. LOL!!)

I do have a question about your anthology; is there any other way to access the form to sign up for it or whatever? I don't have a Google account (I know, the horror *dramatized eyeroll*); so that's why I ask.

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Mar 08, 2022
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Oh my.

No, thank YOU!!! :D


Mar 07, 2022

Awesome post, Grace!

You are so so close with BAD!! Keep going! (also, savour these moments.. those last times having a wip not done only come once, and they are quite special.)

I believe all the writing I did in February was umm... maybe a devotional for my internship. So not a lot. But I was on holiday in the Lake District (hands down the most beautiful place I've ever seen, Scotland meets England) so I suppose I shouldn't feel bad. Anyway, I do so hope to finally finalise a nearly finished novel this month ;)

Have a fantastic March!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Mar 08, 2022
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Haha, nah, it's fine! (Dude. Photos would be epic. Thank you!!!)


Joelle Stone
Mar 06, 2022

Can't wait for BAD!!!!!!!!!!!! You got this, girl. ;) And great job with wrapping February up so well!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Mar 07, 2022
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Haha, you know I can't either! Thank you!!!


Kristina Hall
Mar 06, 2022

You'll get there with BAD! And I can't wait to read it!

And your tags at the bottom of the post ... 😂 Those have me laughing!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Mar 07, 2022
Replying to

I sure hope so! Thank you!

Haha, I had fun with those! XD


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