To be honest, I was not going to do this post this year, because it’s kinda boring…maybe? I don’t know. I actually enjoyed putting it together this time around, so maybe it’s not! Y’all will have to let me know what y’all think in the comments!
It is pretty fun to look back over the year and see what content everyone enjoyed and what all I got to do and share here, so I hope y'all enjoy it as well!
most popular post of the year
The most popular post of the year (according to views) was by far my post announcing open submissions for Tell Me You Love Me anthology! As a bonus, the post with the most comments (74, to be exact) was my announcement of the winners of the TMYLM anthology contest!
Now, let’s take a look at each month’s most popular post, out of a grand total of 147 posts this year!
January: 14 posts total. Most views at 153 goes to Guest Post: Why Christian Fiction CAN End with a Kiss by Kellyn Roth.
February: 11 posts total. Most views at a whopping 405 goes to Submissions Open for Tell Me You Love Me Anthology!
March: 17 posts total. Most views at 247 goes to Introducing...Sky’s the Limit Press!
April: 16 posts total. Most views at 342 goes to Tell Me You Love Me Anthology Winners Announced!
May: 13 posts total. Most views at 182 goes to What’s Your WIP Tag.
June: 11 posts total. Most views at 173 goes to The Bookworm’s Tag #4.
July: 10 posts total. Most views at 268 goes to Contest + Questionnaire.
August: 13 posts total. Most views at 142 goes to Romance Q&A Pt. 3: Kisses, Chemistry, & Why I Write Romance.
September: 13 posts total. Most views at 99 goes to Marketing Q&A Pt. 1: Social Media Marketing.
October: 11 posts total. Most views at 206 goes to Author Interview: Lillian E.
November: 7 posts total. Most views at 121 goes to the day hath arrived.
December: 11 posts total. Most views at 82 goes to welcome to december.
most memorable blogging moment
Hmm. This is tough. To be honest, I have a ton of negative memorable moments, but what’s the point of remembering and dwelling on those? (Not that y’all or my blog is a source of negativity, not at all!)
So…I think that, unsurprisingly, one of the most memorable moments would be sharing about TMYLM and just watching it absolutely take off! Seeing so many people from all corners of the internet come together over this project…just wow. Pure wow right there, folks.
new things I tried
Well, naturally, I tried creating an anthology and hosting a contest for it—and we succeeded, by golly! What an amazing and exhilarating experience! One I’m excited to do again!
I also did two different advice Q&As (one on romance, the other on marketing) that were so. much. fun! I’m excited to debut my next Q&A series this month!
Otherwise, I don’t think I really tried anything else “new,” per se!
favorite posts
My favorite posts? Gosh, that’s tough. I still don’t know why I do this category. 😂 Some of my favorites were absolutely my Q&A posts (you can check out all the romance ones here and the marketing ones here!), and one that will always be near and dear to my heart is my Bound and Determined publication announcement!
What about you? What were some of your favorite posts? What would you like me to share more of this year? Do you blog? If so, how did it go last year? What are you looking forward to doing in 2023? Feel free to share all about it in the comments below!
yours in spirit and script,
Wow, Compiling that list must have taken forever.
I am a lazy weakling and THAT is why you don't see summaries on my bog. I am too afraid of how long it would take to compile the stats.😂
You had a great year of posts! I enjoyed reading all of them!
Oh my goodness! Just reading this post made me realize all the exciting things that happened last year that I didnt' realize happened LAST YEAR. *time flies by so quickly.* Like Sky's the Limit Press and the contest for the anthology and of course we can't forget my personal favorite BAD'S RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that's gotta be the highlight of 2022!!! I just love all the amazing things you accomplished last year, and I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us this year!!!! *hugs*
I'm not sure why, but seeing stats has always intrigued me... xD
Ah, looking back at the past year's posts can be fun! So many great blogs ... especially the one when you published BAD! So exciting. :) I'm also looking forward to all the posts coming up about the anthology.
I actually love these kind of posts!! Definitely not boring XD And you know what, I'd say my favorite posts were actually the ones you said were your favorites - the BAD publication announcement one and the Q&A posts! Those were SO good!!!