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Writer's pictureGrace A. Johnson

Welcome to December!

Someone help me. I think I've lost, like, six months of my life. There is absolutely no way that it could possibly be December already. Y'all, Christmas is in twenty days. TWENTY DAYS!


But somehow true, which means it's time for me to wrap-up last month and list my goals for this one! I'll try and keep this post short, since I'm sure we all have some shopping or wrapping to do (lucky me, I've gotten both done!), so without further ado (you'll find I love saying that)...


What I Did Last Month

What was last month’s goal? There was only one. Y’all remember, don’t ya?

21,000 words in Bound and Determined.

That sounds simple, aye? Well, ‘twas quite a lofty goal for me, and obviously so, for I didn’t reach it.

I’ll tell you how many words I did write in November in the monthly progress section, but suffice it to say that I didn’t reach that goal and I also didn’t do any of the extra things—reviewing books and submitting articles. However, I celebrated Thanksgiving, I did schoolwork, and I survived.

I shall be satisfied with that.

Plus I did get everything together and posted for Indie Author Day, so that was good! Otherwise, I’m now playing catch-up this month, when I should be writing 9 chapters in my novel.

Oh, well.


This Month’s Goals

I’ll go easy on myself this month. I do have several projects I want to work on, but in the end, what matters is finishing BAD. That’ll take 9 chapters and roughly 19k words, but if I can do that, I can be finished.

What a beautiful word.


Monthly Progress

Thanks to Write in Faith Camp, I wrote a total of 10,809 words. Yes, I just told you the exact amount of words I wrote last month. Yes, I am done hiding in shame because I wrote nothing the entire month.

Seriously, even though that wasn’t a lot...or what I wanted...I still made significantly more progress than I have within the last four months. So there.

I also just realized that I’ve miscalculated and have been telling myself and other people wrong for, like, a week now. (So y'all can ignore those numbers up there...)

I have 8 chapters left, an epilogue, and about 22k words left. Whatever. It’s still a lot. I may just have to take an entire day for writing or something.


Reading Highlights

I didn't actually read as much as I'd hoped last month. Let's just say I bought, downloaded, and started a lot more books than I finished...and most of the ones I finished were one I'd been reading for three months.

Anyway, I still count my reads by end dates, so here are the top four!

  • To Treasure an Heiress by Roseanna M. White. This book is one of my favorite of this year, hands-down! (Along with, like, a seventy other books out of the nearly one hundred and fifty I've read.) My official spotlight is coming Monday, my review following close behind, but I'll tease y'all by saying that this book is simply for everyone! It covers all the bases, which is crazy, from humor to adventure to suspense to romance to faith! And it hits each and every ball out of the park, lemme tell ya! (Yes, I'm in a baseball reference mood today. Surprisingly, I actually know what those phrases mean. Yes. In baseball. Crazy, I know, but true.)

  • Preacher on the Run by Jayna Baas. This was one that I'd been reading for months on end - an amazing historical epic that highlights a lesser known element of pre-Revolution America. I loved Baas' writing, her characters, and how she wove in action, history, and faith so expertly!

  • Both Sides of the Border by Terry Overton. I'm still not sure what exactly I think of this book (I've not written my review just yet), but it definitely provided an interesting perspective on both sides of the American-Mexican border! I love how Overton left it up to the reader if they were pro-open borders or not - she didn't force anything on the reader; simply informed them and allowed the story to take them where it would. If that makes sense!

  • As Dawn Breaks by Kate Breslin. One word. Scotland. Need I say anything else? Nope. But I will. I've read every single one of Kate Breslin's WWI novels in the last few years. Is this my favorite? I'm not sure, but I know I enjoyed it! Especially the accents... *sighs*

I hope to review all these books sometime this month, but I'm not sure how well that will work out. I'll at least try and shoot for As Dawn Breaks and Preacher on the Run!


Top Posts

Surprisingly enough, I actually managed not to blog half as much as I usually do this month...and I posted every day for a week, so that's saying something! (I probably won't post much this month either...) That said, I did have four posts that were apparently so good that they made up for the lack! *winks* These are the ones readers loved the most in November!

(Now, just because my Know the Novel post didn't get as many views as these doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable! Y'all might wanna check it out here for some interesting tidbits about Bound and Determined!)


Even though November wasn't as busy on the surface, I still feel drained now that December's here. I wrote more words in a month than I have since this spring (yes, I have been slacking so bad lately *groans*) and I got through quite a bit of school. Yes, my local tech school is getting the brunt of my time and most of my writing contributions. Such is the way of the life of a college student, mon amis, dually enrolled or no.

ALSO! Before I forget, I won third place in Kads' short story contest! Y'all can read my story here! (I think that was the only time I ever won third place in anything...hmm...yes, I am an overachiever. I am a first-place-twice-in-a-row kinda girl. Not that I'm a sore not-first-place-winner. I'm definitely not sore. I'm totally chill and respectful. Peace, yo. *winks*)

ANYWAY! Y'all have a most joyous Advent, my lovelies! I'll see you in the funny papers, next to Frosty and Rudolph!

Ooh, before y'all go, I have a couple questions! #1 What is your all-time favorite Christmas song (song, not carol, so you can answer with anything from a classic hymn to county to pop to jazz)? #2 What're you getting for Christmas this year? (Yes, I am one of those people. I have to ask. *grins*)

Bookishly Yours,


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Abbigail R. B.
Dec 07, 2021

Oooh, now I'm curious to read As Dawn Breaks. When I saw the word 'Scotland', I perked up, lol... way to go on your word count! I think that's an awesome amount to get done in a month!

Hahaha, oh boy, umm... I really like the Celtic Christmas songs, some of the classics, and even some jazz from the '40s and '50s. My siblings hide when I start listening to them, lol...

I actually don't know! I hope I get books for Christmas, haha... crossing my fingers!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Dec 07, 2021
Replying to

Oh, yes, As Dawn Breaks was amazing! I think you'll like it! I'm with you - I love anything set in Scotland!! And thank you!! :D

Ooh, yes, I ADORE Christmas jazz! *sighs* Frank Sinatra... *chef's kiss*

I'm crossing mine with you! ;)


Faith Quelle
Dec 06, 2021

Ha, ha... Wet and colorful. The only things that come to mind are a rainforest, an oil spill, and a soggy book cover, and since I'm guessing it's none of those... yeah. I dunno! (Was I the only person who read the tags?)

Hey, 10,809 isn't bad at all. That's way more than I get most months. You go, Grace! God's got your back, your fans got your front, and I think you're covered! Here's to finishing BAD in December!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Dec 07, 2021
Replying to're so close! XD (You were! Good on ya!)

Aw, thank you!! I certainly am!!! <333


Dec 06, 2021

It's crazy! I can't believe it's December! (Well done you having shopped and wrapped... I promised myself I'd be done by now but...)

And Grace, 10k words is nothing to sneeze at! (Er, that is an expression right? Or do o have something terribly wrong...nonetheless, a huge well done!) You are so close to finishing, I can feel the excitement!!

Favourite Christmas song... Very hard question. Some are not my favourite but still mean so much to me and I love so many.... At the moment I'll say 'O come, o come Emmanuel' and 'O Holy Night'

And I don't know what I'm getting for Christmas, but I'm guessing it might have pages ;)

Oh, and Congratulations on the contest!…

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Dec 07, 2021
Replying to

(I know you can do it, girl!)

(Haha, so are we! XD)

Aww, thank you SO much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :D


Dec 05, 2021

21K is amazing, Grace <3 So proud of you, sister!!

I am so looking forward to reading To Treasure an Heiress...

Congrats on your third place win, Miss Overachiever... it's still quite the accomplishment, I think 😅

My favorite Christmas song (or three, it's so hard to pick one)... "Remember, O Thou Man" is one of the most beautiful Christmas songs I know, and so rich. But I also love "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" and "What Child Is This?"... and throw in "Carol of the Bells" instrumental version for good measure ;) Oops. That's four.

Do you have a favorite or two or four?

Dec 07, 2021
Replying to

Oh, hahaha, I totally misread that 😂 10K is still an accomplishment, my friend.


Kristina Hall
Dec 04, 2021

You're almost done with BAD! And 10,809 words is epic!!

Hmm... favorite Christmas song ... I do like "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel."

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Dec 04, 2021
Replying to

I know! I'm so close I can taste it! Thank you!

Ooh, I love that one too!


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