
Grace A. Johnson
Nov 30, 20223 min read
december eve blog party pt. 1
It’s been a minute since I’ve talked about music on here...since one of my first-ever blog tags, what better way to get...
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Grace A. Johnson
Nov 28, 20226 min read
book review: the secrets of emberwild by stephenia h. mcgee
Warnings: #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You’ll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I want...
98 views10 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Nov 23, 20222 min read
black friday sales
You read that right. In honor of Black Friday, the lovely Perry Kirkpatrick is hosting her annual Black Friday Book Sale...which means...
85 views11 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Nov 21, 20227 min read
book review: the lost melody by joanna davidson politano
Warnings: #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You’ll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I want...
140 views5 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Nov 17, 20227 min read
the day hath arrived
Bound and Determined… What if we added more? What if we totally ditched what I was going to do, and completely redid everything? I’m...
129 views36 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Nov 5, 20224 min read
Welcome to November! (October Wrapup & November Goals)
*drops in* Hello there! Yes, I am still alive...but barely. It has been SO busy lately, which means I ended up pushing back a lot of...
127 views20 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Nov 3, 20226 min read
Review: Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder
Before we begin, I must preface this review by saying that I knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, before I even thought to begin reading...
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