
Grace A. Johnson
Sep 20, 20224 min read
Review: Worthy of Legend by Roseanna M. White
Stars: 5 Synopsis: There is still treasure to be found among the Isles of Scilly...and Lady Emily Scofield is determined to keep her...
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Grace A. Johnson
May 23, 20228 min read
Review: Boulevard of Confusion by Sandra Merville Hart
Stars: 3 Synopsis: When Beatrice Swanson’s wealthy father tasks her with delivering a gift of gold to the Confederacy on her next trip to...
103 views38 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Apr 27, 20227 min read
Review: The Wonderland Trials by Sara Ella
*Warnings* #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You’ll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I...
121 views17 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Jan 4, 20229 min read
Review: To Treasure an Heiress by Roseanna M. White
*Warnings* #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You’ll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I...
66 views10 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Dec 20, 20216 min read
Review: As Dawn Breaks by Kate Breslin
*Warnings* #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You’ll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I...
38 views2 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Oct 3, 20215 min read
Review: A Midnight Dance by Joanna Davidson Politano
*Warnings* #1 This is a long review, so pull up a chair and grab a bowl of popcorn. You’ll be here awhile. #2 When I read a review, I...
94 views6 comments