
Grace A. Johnson
Aug 5, 20235 min read
friends & forbidden projects | august updates
July is actually over, folks. Not only that, but we’re already five days into August. Summer is practically over—although where I live,...
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Grace A. Johnson
Jul 25, 20236 min read
release day | springtime in surrey anthology
I know what you're looking for this summer, dear reader. You want stories that are full of vintage vibes, sweet romance, a splash of...
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Grace A. Johnson
Jul 17, 20237 min read
guest post by erika mathews | as an author, i'm also a preacher
In our final guest post, the prolific Christian nonfiction and kingdom fantasy author Erika Mathews is joining us to share all about her...
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Grace A. Johnson
Jul 12, 20239 min read
guest post by katja labonté | my top writing tips
Y'all, I am super excited for today's Springtime in Surrey guest...none other than Katja Labonté!! I've so enjoyed following her blog the...
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Grace A. Johnson
Jul 10, 20237 min read
guest post by rachel leitch | why young adult fiction inspires me
Today's guest post comes from Rachel Leitch, author of “The Odd Duck Society" in Springtime in Surrey! Now, I know most of y'all are YA...
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Grace A. Johnson
Jul 7, 20234 min read
guest post by andrea r. cox | strangers to a novella
Raise your hand if you love strangers-to-lovers! Of all the tropes out there, there's nothing quite like the classic strangers-to-lovers...
59 views13 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Jul 5, 20237 min read
guest post by kellyn roth | arranged marriage romances are always dirty...right?
If you've stuck around my blog long enough, you've no doubt discovered that there is little in regards to blogging that I like more than...
113 views15 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Jul 3, 20236 min read
good books & gratitude | july updates
For the first time in the last several years, I actually wish June hadn’t ended so quickly. Festivals, weddings, and VBS went by in a...
97 views18 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Mar 22, 20232 min read
introducing...her heart's home
*rushes in, breathless* HULLO, ALL! Yes, I know, I disappeared for over two weeks, but I'M BACK! This month (like this whole year thus...
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