
Grace A. Johnson
Jun 24, 20246 min read
projects & platforms
Ever since I finished writing Bound and Determined back in March 2022, after three long, grueling years of blood, sweat, and tears (okay,...
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Grace A. Johnson
Jan 13, 20238 min read
marketing q&a pt. 4: marketing for unpublished writers
Many moons ago, I shared a series of marketing Q&A posts, and I promised a final one, which never arrived... Until today. I'm not sure if...
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Grace A. Johnson
Oct 21, 202213 min read
Marketing Q&A Pt. 3: Author Brand
*stares at the above graphic* OMGOSH THE FALL VIBESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! *sighs* How's it going, my lovelies? I know it's been a while since my...
105 views26 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Sep 28, 202212 min read
Marketing Q&A Pt. 2: Sales Promotion
Y'ALL. I am so ashamed of myself. I meant to have this post done and out, like, at least two weeks ago, but here I finally am now. Maybe...
90 views8 comments

Grace A. Johnson
Sep 7, 202213 min read
Marketing Q&A Pt. 1: Social Media Marketing
Y'all, oh y'all, oh y'all! I am SO excited for this new Q&A series! Marketing is actually super fun and interesting to me (*coughs* it's...
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Grace A. Johnson
Sep 1, 20223 min read
Welcome to September! (August Wrapup + September Goals)
Y'ALLLLL. IT'S ALMOST FALLLLL. (Yes, the rhyme was intentional. *winks*) I dunno about y'all, but DADGUM has time flown! I'll be...
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